java Programming Glossary: str.length
How to check if a String is a numeric type in Java
How does Java store Strings and how does substring work internally? [closed] String str3 str.substring 0 2 String str4 str.substring 0 str.length String str5 str1.substring 0 2 String str6 str1.substring 0..
? ǹ ? ñ á¹?? á¹?á¹?á¹?? ɲ ? á¶?ɳ ȵ --> n or Remove diacritical marks from Unicode chars str stripDiacritics str str stripNonDiacritics str if str.length 0 Ugly special case to work around non existing empty strings..
If/else statements in ANTLR using listeners String str ctx.getText strip quotes str str.substring 1 str.length 1 .replace return new Value str @Override public Value visitLog..
length and length() in java an attribute. array.length and for String we have a method str.length Just came in my mind is there some reason java arrays string..
What's the best way to check to see if a String represents an integer in Java? isInteger String str if str null return false int length str.length if length 0 return false int i 0 if str.charAt 0 ' ' if length..
How To limit the number of characters in JTextField? BadLocationException if str null return if getLength str.length limit super.insertString offset str attr Then import java.awt...
Ideal method to truncate a string with ellipsis . ' private static int textWidth String str return int str.length str.replaceAll NON_THIN .length 2 public static String ellipsize..
how to compress a String? public static String compress String str if str null str.length 0 return str ByteArrayOutputStream out new ByteArrayOutputStream..
Generating all permutations of a given string static void permutation String prefix String str int n str.length if n 0 System.out.println prefix else for int i 0 i n i permutation..
read/write to Windows Registry using Java private static byte toCstr String str byte result new byte str.length 1 for int i 0 i str.length i result i byte str.charAt i result.. String str byte result new byte str.length 1 for int i 0 i str.length i result i byte str.charAt i result str.length 0 return result.. int i 0 i str.length i result i byte str.charAt i result str.length 0 return result I was unable to find and give credit to the..
JTable cell editor number format String super.getCellEditorValue if str null return null if str.length 0 return null try to parse a number try ParsePosition pos new.. n NumberFormat.getInstance .parse str pos if pos.getIndex str.length throw new ParseException parsing incomplete pos.getIndex ..
java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found beg end beg end 2 if end 1 tmp str.substring beg if beg str.length str str.substring beg loc i tmp i if i size if t 3 location.add..
Fastest way to iterate over all the chars in a String this String str a really really long string for int i 0 n str.length i n i char c str.charAt i Or this char chars str.toCharArray..
Array's length property the length property String str new String 10 int size str.length Whereas the size method of ArrayList is defined inside the ArrayList..
Reversing a String - Recursion - Java of it public static String reverse String str if null str str.length 1 return str return reverse str.substring 1 str.charAt 0 For.. or less and so there will be no remainder left when str.length 1 it stops calling itself recursively and just returns the String..