java Programming Glossary: stmt.execute
ResultSet not closed when connection closed? stmt conn.prepareStatement initialize the statement stmt.execute ResultSet rs stmt.getResultSet get data finally conn.close The..
Running a .sql script using MySQL with JDBC jdbc mysql x x x stmt conn.createStatement stmt.execute CREATE TABLE amigos id int AUTO_INCREMENT not null nombre..
Multiple queries executed in java in single statement results of the query execution. boolean hasMoreResultSets stmt.execute multiQuerySqlString To iterate through and process results you.. call multi_query boolean hasMoreResultSets cstmt.execute READING_QUERY_RESULTS while hasMoreResultSets Resultset rs stmt.getResultSet..
Packing embedded database in jar file Exception try stmt conn.createStatement stmt.execute insert into tableName values ' path ' FileSize ' hash ' ' .. Exception try stmt conn.createStatement stmt.execute insert into tableName values ' path ' FileSize ' hash ' ' label_name..
Is JDBC secure? stmt.setString 1 username stmt.setString 2 password stmt.execute ResultSet rs stmt.getResultSet ... This will completely shield..
What is the equivalent of Oracle?™s REF CURSOR in MySQL when using JDBC? call call stmt.registerOutParameter 1 OracleTypes.CURSOR stmt.execute rset OracleResultSet stmt.getObject 1 What is the equivalent..
JDBC MySQL UTF-8 string writing problem it stmt.setString it i.rowData.text stmt.execute stmt.close check data public void checkText throws SQLException.. String query select id text from clt where id '12656697' stmt.execute query java.sql.ResultSet rs stmt.getResultSet while