java Programming Glossary: str.getbytes
Database in J2ME int writeRecord String str int id 0 try id rs.addRecord str.getBytes 0 str.getBytes .length catch RecordStoreFullException e CustomAlert.. String str int id 0 try id rs.addRecord str.getBytes 0 str.getBytes .length catch RecordStoreFullException e CustomAlert memoryFullAlert.. void setRecordById String str int id try rs.setRecord id str.getBytes 0 str.getBytes .length catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
Java applet to upload a file r n Content Type image png r n r n httpOut.write str.getBytes FileInputStream uploadFileReader new FileInputStream f int..
How can I generate a .torrent in Java? String str OutputStream out throws IOException encodeBytes str.getBytes UTF 8 out private static void encodeMap Map String Object map..
Conversion of byte[] into a String and then back to a byte[] str new String reply 0 bytesRead streamToClient.write str.getBytes 0 bytesRead is not equivalent to streamToClient.write reply..
How to unmap a file from memory mapped using FileChannel in java? FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f fos.write str.getBytes fos.close I presume this may be due to file being still mapped..
How to generate an HMAC in Java equivalent to a Python example? the string into bytes using utf 8 and digest it byte utf8 str.getBytes UTF8 byte digest mac.doFinal utf8 If desired convert the digest..
how to compress a String? GZIPOutputStream gzip new GZIPOutputStream out gzip.write str.getBytes gzip.close return out.toString ISO 8859 1 public static void..
Encrypt and decrypt a String in java try Encode the string into bytes using utf 8 byte utf8 str.getBytes UTF8 Encrypt byte enc ecipher.doFinal utf8 Encode bytes to..
Convert Java string to byte array sent string including length but when I use something like str.getBytes to convert it to a byte array it does not match my original..
“javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: Data must start with zero” exception cip KeyPair key byte cipherText null try byte plainText str.getBytes UTF8 cip.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE key.getPublic cipherText..
Sending a screenshot (bufferedImage) over a socket in java stream Attempt #1 String str input.toString imageBytes str.getBytes InputStream in new ByteArrayInputStream imageBytes BufferedImage..