java Programming Glossary: sqlexception
How to get the insert ID in JDBC? Here's a basic example public void create User user throws SQLException Connection connection null PreparedStatement statement null.. statement.executeUpdate if affectedRows 0 throw new SQLException Creating user failed no rows affected. generatedKeys statement.getGeneratedKeys.. user.setId generatedKeys.getLong 1 else throw new SQLException Creating user failed no generated key obtained. finally if..
When to choose checked and unchecked exceptions core API fails to follow these rules for IOException and SQLException which is why they are so terrible. Checked Exceptions should.. avoid exposing implementation specific details by throwing SQLException or IOException . Instead it should wrap the exception in an..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? Forward to JSP page to display them in a HTML table. catch SQLException e throw new ServletException Retrieving products failed e This..
What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors? 164 ... 32 more Caused by java.sql.SQLException Violation of unique constraint MY_ENTITY_UK_1 duplicate value.. look down for the root cause which is Caused by java.sql.SQLException However all the method calls under that are library code. So.. this one's a bit obvious what went wrong since the SQLException states the error but the debugging procedure is what we're after..
JSP using MVC and JDBC . public class ProductDAO public List Product list throws SQLException Connection connection null PreparedStatement statement null.. finally if resultSet null try resultSet.close catch SQLException ignore if statement null try statement.close catch SQLException.. ignore if statement null try statement.close catch SQLException ignore if connection null try connection.close catch SQLException..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] import android.content.Context import android.database.SQLException import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper.. so we can query it public boolean openDataBase throws SQLException String mPath DB_PATH DB_NAME Log.v mPath mPath mDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase.. import android.database.Cursor import android.database.SQLException import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase import android.util.Log..