java Programming Glossary: spreadsheet
Why does division by zero with floating point (or double precision) numbers not throw java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero in Java is intended not only for numerical analysts but also for spreadsheet users database systems or even coffee pots. The propagation..
How do I get the (Java Apache POI HSSF) Background Color for a given cell? Color for a given cell I have an existing excel spreadsheet which I am accesssing and reading values from I am using Apache..
Spreadsheet-like control for a web application? [closed] a critical 'application' based on multiple very complex spreadsheets into a web app. As part of this they'd like some of the web.. the web pages they use to enter model data to resemble a spreadsheet as much as possible. I'd be interested to know if anyone has..
Excel spreadsheet like library in Swing (=improved JTable) spreadsheet like library in Swing improved JTable I'm searching for a free.. which is very simple . I want to do an application with a spreadsheet similar to Excel one. Without the formula but with copy paste.. grid... Thanks in advance Damien. java swing table grid spreadsheet share improve this question I'm not aware of any free solutions..
Learning Apache POI for Java
Password Protected Excel File Protected Excel File I have an excel spreadsheet that is password protected. I need to open this spreadsheet.. that is password protected. I need to open this spreadsheet and read the data from it. I've been attempting to use the POI.. protected in excel a password must be entered to view the spreadsheet. Edit2 I am unable to open it with POI with the password I am..
Modifying existing excel using jxl information such as fonts is not interpreted when the spreadsheet is read since this is superfluous when interrogating the raw.. the raw data values. However if we need to modify this spreadsheet a handle to the various write interfaces is needed which can.. to interpret the fields that are necessary to for writing spreadsheets. The disadvantage of this read optimized strategy is that we..
JSP generating Excel spreadsheet (XLS) to download generating Excel spreadsheet XLS to download I have this application I'm developing in JSP.. application excel . Depending on how complex the spreadsheet needs to be CSV or HTML can do the job for you without a 3rd..
How do you access Google service using a java client? oauthParameters.setScope https feeds oauthParameters.setOAuthToken request.getSession.. out.println br Setting URl URL feedUrl new URL https feeds spreadsheets private full out.println br.. URL feedUrl new URL https feeds spreadsheets private full out.println br Accessing ResultFeed SpreadsheetFeed..
Struts2 vs Spring 3 ComparingJavaWebFrameworks ApacheConUS2007.pdf including a spreadsheet that compares several of them on various degrees http that compares several of them on various degrees http pub key 0AtkkDCT2WDMXdC1HOEtnUHpCejJMbUhGeGJWUmh5dVE..
Create a password protected excel file using apache poi? data extraction and search indexing not for creating new spreadsheets. As others have suggested it's often possible to work around.. work for encryption because the file format of encrypted spreadsheets is radically different. If you're willing to pay for commercial.. class. JExcelAPI a popular open source Java spreadsheet API does not appear to support encryption at all. Aspose.Cells..