java Programming Glossary: springsecurityfilterchain
@Secured annotations not working in AspectJ Mode with Autoproxy DelegatingFilterProxy proxy new DelegatingFilterProxy springSecurityFilterChain context FilterRegistration.Dynamic filter servletContext.addFilter..
User authentication on a Jersey REST service context param Enables Spring Security filter filter name springSecurityFilterChain filter name filter class org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.. param param name targetBeanName param name param value springSecurityFilterChain param value init param filter filter mapping filter name springSecurityFilterChain.. param value init param filter filter mapping filter name springSecurityFilterChain filter name url pattern url pattern filter mapping You can leave..
Spring login form example context.xml param value context param filter filter name springSecurityFilterChain filter name filter class org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.. filter class filter filter mapping filter name springSecurityFilterChain filter name url pattern url pattern filter mapping listener..
Configuring Spring Security 3.x to have multiple entry points . My gut feeling is the springSecurityFilterChain bean is not wired properly thus my custom filters are not used.. access IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY sec http bean id springSecurityFilterChain class sec..