java Programming Glossary: spots
Jar Mismatch Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list welcome to instead have the same actual JAR file in both spots App Free and App Library though that just takes up extra space..
Is conversion to String using (“” + <int value>) bad practice? may also be inefficient depending on whether the compiler spots what you're doing. If it doesn't it may be creating a new StringBuffer..
Why filename in java should be same as class name? sites with consultants from India China and various other spots throughout the world You'll start to appreciate the inflexibility...
how to properly implement Parcelable with an ArrayList<Parcelable>? size return new ZigBeeNetwork size ... I have marked two spots help here to understand how to properly write to the parcel..
Java: how much time does an empty loop use? many times. The HotSpot JVM will try to identify hot spots in your code. Hot spots are pieces of your code that are executed.. JVM will try to identify hot spots in your code. Hot spots are pieces of your code that are executed many many times. To..
What is Boilerplate code , Hot code and Hot spots? is Boilerplate code Hot code and Hot spots I know these terms are used in the context of performance achievement...