java Programming Glossary: sslcontext.getinstance
Validating a certificate in java throws an exception - unable to find valid certificate path to requested target .toCharArray fis.close tmf.init ks SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS sslContext.init null tmf.getTrustManagers null If you're..
Allowing Java to use an untrusted certificate for SSL/HTTPS connection Install the all trusting trust manager try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new
Using HTTPS with REST in Java Now I try to reach it in Java SSLContext ctx null try ctx SSLContext.getInstance SSL catch NoSuchAlgorithmException e1 e1.printStackTrace ClientConfig..
How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient? the SSLContext with a TrustManager SSLContext ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ctx.init new KeyManager 0 new TrustManager new DefaultTrustManager..
PKIX path building failed while making SSL connection try SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS context.init null new X509TrustManager s_x509TrustManager..
Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS extends SSLSocketFactory SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS public MySSLSocketFactory KeyStore truststore throws NoSuchAlgorithmException..
How to ignore SSL certificate errors in Apache HttpClient 4.0 using this context. Here is the code SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance SSL set up a TrustManager that trusts everything sslContext.init..
telling java to accept self-signed ssl certificate Install the all trusting trust manager try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new
Java: Loading SSL Keystore via a resource SunX509 kmf.init ks DV8u4xRVDq .toCharArray SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sc.init kmf.getKeyManagers null null Now if I open the same..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android the SSL context to use the truststore and keystore ssl_ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ssl_ctx.init keyManagerFactory.getKeyManagers trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers..
Using Apache httpclient for https client new DefaultHttpClient SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS TrustManagerFactory tmf TrustManagerFactory.getInstance.. km kmfactory.getKeyManagers SSLContext sslcontext SSLContext.getInstance TLS sslcontext.init km tm null LocalTestServer localServer new..
Java: Why does SSL handshake give 'Could not generate DH keypair' exception? connecting to some SSL servers is SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance SSL sslContext.init null trustAllCerts new SecureRandom s SSLSocket..
SSL handshake alert: unrecognized_name error since upgrade to Java 1.7.0 certs String authType try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new
How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection? tmf.init keyStore SSLContext ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ctx.init null tmf.getTrustManagers null sslFactory ctx.getSocketFactory..
Java client certificates over HTTPS/SSL Install the all trusting trust manager try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new SecureRandom HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory..
How to make Restlet client ignore SSL Certificate problems anything at all it's insecure. final SSLContext sslContext SSLContext.getInstance TLS sslContext.init null TrustManager tm null Context context..
SSL not working on Android 2.2 (only in 2.3) return new X509Certificate 0 SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS context.init kmf.getKeyManagers tm null HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory..
SSL Handshaking Using Self-Signed Certs and SSLEngine (JSSE) SunX509 tmf.init ts SSLContext sslc SSLContext.getInstance TLS sslc.init kmf.getKeyManagers tmf.getTrustManagers null SSLEngine..
Https Connection Android CustomSSLSocketFactory super null try SSLContext context SSLContext.getInstance TLS TrustManager tm new TrustManager new FullX509TrustManager..