java Programming Glossary: spot
Performance differences between ArrayList and LinkedList elements back and then put the element in the middle empty spot ArrayList should be slower. If insertion only means a add Object.. elements back and then put the element in the middle empty spot ArrayList should be slower. Yes this is what it means. ArrayList..
How can I determine the IP of my router/gateway in Java?
Java socket swingWorker running but no message received or transmitted a connection and have used .excute . If you guys can help spot where i am doing wrong that will be great. SwingWorker class..
Java Double Checked Locking
Java Instance Variables vs Local Variables when we're dealing with small number of lines it's easy to spot errors. But in a larger program you can waste days trying to..
Should I close the servlet outputstream? [duplicate] gets the proper response. This is also an easier debug to spot the potential problems in the request response chain which you..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward after response has been committed throws the above mentioned error and I am unable to spot the problem. Any help java servlets share improve this question..
How to avoid using scriptlets in my JSP page? the following entry in webapp's web.xml . It may help to spot overseen scriptlets. jsp config jsp property group url pattern..
Problem reading JPEG image using file) seem to work fine. The only differance I've been able to spot is that this file seems to include a thumbnail is that known..
how to obtain mouse click coordinates outside my window in Java click anywhere on the screen to obtain the color of that spot. but I don't know if that's possible using pure Java. java..
On using Terracotta as a persistence solution for the use of Terracotta. In short Terracotta's sweet spot is the use case where you need persistence and availability..
How to capture video using JMF, but without installing JMF that all the dll's that JMF needs are in their correct spot @return True if all dlls are in their correct spot false otherwise.. correct spot @return True if all dlls are in their correct spot false otherwise public boolean detectDlls boolean retVal true..
Android application Wi-Fi device - AP connectivity for this I have seen an application called Wifi Hot spot in HTC Desire that does this functionality of showing the IP.. How can this be achieved Check out Review Sprint Mobile Hotspot on HTC EVO 4G . It shows an application that can actually display.. point java android network programming wifi jvm hotspot share improve this question You could read the proc net..
What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why? all this with mostly academic experience. However I can't spot the holes in my reasoning so I'm hoping you all can so that..
Quickly read the last line of a text file? general. As MSalter points out UTF 8 does make it easy to spot r or n as the UTF 8 representation of those characters is just..
What is Boilerplate code , Hot code and Hot spots? is Boilerplate code Hot code and Hot spots I know these terms are used in the context of performance.. share improve this question One definition of hot spot is a region of code where the program counter spends a good.. no opportunities to speed up a program that are not a hotspot or a bottleneck. Speedup opportunities can be more diffuse than..
How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection? to accept this one self signed certificate for this one spot in the application and nowhere else. I know that I can import..