

java Programming Glossary: scenario

How can I lock a file using java (if possible)


is to be able to run these apps at the same time so the scenario goes like this. ReadApp lists the folder and finds files A B..

How one interface can be used for different background android tasks?


executed. But I am asking for the best way to tackle such scenario as if we have 5 or more background services in future and they..

When to use wrapper class and primitive type


to 0 default or 1 to signify this but depending on the scenario this may be incorrect or misleading. This will also set the..

How can I enumerate all classes in a package and add them to a List?


within a particular package. This is the more common scenario anyways. Unfortunately there isn't any framework code to make..

Why doesn't String's hashCode() cache 0?


hours 57 minutes and 48 seconds And remember we set up the scenario to give every possible benefit of the doubt often to a ludicrous..

How do you determine the ideal buffer size when using FileInputStream?


Now this is offset quite a bit in a typical streaming scenario because the block that is read from disk is going to still be..

New to Spring - BeanFactory vs ApplicationContext?


as far as which implementation I should use in such a scenario Should my main method be written to depend on the bean application..

Java: How to test methods that call System.exit()?


along the way which might be useful someday . In the JUnit scenario it will be caught by the JUnit framework which will report that..

Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused


and me very confused Let's first consider a simple scenario see complete source on ideone.com import java.util. public class..

Why does this go into an infinite loop?


x . Really injecting y makes things no different from the scenario above we've simply got MutableInt x new MutableInt x is 0. MutableInt..

PreparedStatement with Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS


do the same with PreparedStatement consider the following scenario private static final String SQL_CREATE INSERT INTO USER FIRST_NAME..

Android - What's the best way to share data between activities?


it Android may decide to kill your application. In such scenario I have experienced cases in which android attempts to launch..

ByteBuffer.allocate() vs. ByteBuffer.allocateDirect()


will be using the buffer repeatedly in a high performance scenario you're better off allocating direct buffers and reusing them...

How do synchronized static methods work in Java?


DB than performing the actual job. Imagine the following scenario Client A and B attempt to insert different information into..

java.net.SocketException: Connection reset


part of the connection closed the connection. In this scenario I am the server. I have access to the client log files and it..

AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11


make the API more reusable to solve different kind of scenario. What I really like to have is run a number of doIntenseJob..

Why does Java have transient variables?


has a section which discusses the use of and presents a scenario where the transient keyword is used to prevent serialization..

Overlapping Views in Android


views and drawables including PNG images natively so the scenario you describe a partially transparent ImageView in front of a..

Something seems wrong with the layout, JButton showing unexpected behaviour at resize of the window


back to normal it works as expected So considering the scenario am I doing something wrong in the program. Or is this exactly..