java Programming Glossary: sc
How can I get the HTTP status code out of a ServletResponse in a ServletFilter? super response @Override public void sendError int sc throws IOException httpStatus sc super.sendError sc @Override.. public void sendError int sc throws IOException httpStatus sc super.sendError sc @Override public void sendError int sc String.. int sc throws IOException httpStatus sc super.sendError sc @Override public void sendError int sc String msg throws IOException..
What's the syntax to import a class in a default package in Java? public class AnotherClass SomeClass sc new SomeClass ... in another file. But what if
How to get a random line of a text file in Java? result null Random rand new Random int n 0 for Scanner sc new Scanner f sc.hasNext n String line sc.nextLine if rand.nextInt.. rand new Random int n 0 for Scanner sc new Scanner f sc.hasNext n String line sc.nextLine if rand.nextInt n 0 result.. n 0 for Scanner sc new Scanner f sc.hasNext n String line sc.nextLine if rand.nextInt n 0 result line return result share..
Scanner method to get a char for String nextInt for int etc. java char java util scanner share improve this question To get a char from a Scanner.. from a Scanner you can use the findInLine method. Scanner sc new Scanner abc char ch sc.findInLine . .charAt 0 System.out.println.. the findInLine method. Scanner sc new Scanner abc char ch sc.findInLine . .charAt 0 System.out.println ch prints a System.out.println..
telling java to accept self-signed ssl certificate could post detailed instructions I'm running unix so bash script would be best. Not sure if it's important but code executed.. Install the all trusting trust manager try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new trust manager try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory..
Validating input using java.util.Scanner the best way to do this java input validation java util scanner share improve this question Overview of Scanner.hasNextXXX.. and skip methods that ignores delimiters. The following discussion will keep the regex as simple as possible so the focus.. to validate positive int from the input. Scanner sc new Scanner int number do System.out.println Please..
Determine if a String is an Integer in Java [duplicate] two arrays one for integers one for operators whilst discarding parentheses and other miscellaneous items. What would.. for operators whilst discarding parentheses and other miscellaneous items. What would be the best way to accomplish this.. public static boolean isInteger String s int radix Scanner sc new Scanner s.trim if sc.hasNextInt radix return false we know..
Java Regex Helper indeed have several problems which it appears you have discovered. Here ™s a partial list of those problems and what can.. begin on the same column in the source code string and screw them up if you print them out or vice versa. So much for.. A N MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL Z because the regex compiler screws up on the UTF 16. Again this can never be fixed or it will..
How to find a button source in AWT (calculator homework) 0 public static void main String args SimpleCalculator sc new SimpleCalculator sc.launchFrame java awt share improve.. main String args SimpleCalculator sc new SimpleCalculator sc.launchFrame java awt share improve this question I would.. a button . When the button is activated call the javax.script.ScriptEngine to evaluate the content of the I O text field..
SSL handshake alert: unrecognized_name error since upgrade to Java 1.7.0 certs String authType try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new authType try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory.. HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory sc.getSocketFactory catch Exception e Logger.getLogger DownloadManager.class.getName..
Java client certificates over HTTPS/SSL true Install the all trusting trust manager try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new SecureRandom.. trust manager try SSLContext sc SSLContext.getInstance SSL sc.init null trustAllCerts new SecureRandom HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory.. SecureRandom HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory sc.getSocketFactory HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier..
How to change text color in the JtextArea? appendToPane JTextPane tp String msg Color c StyleContext sc StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext AttributeSet aset sc.addAttribute.. sc StyleContext.getDefaultStyleContext AttributeSet aset sc.addAttribute SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY StyleConstants.Foreground.. SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY StyleConstants.Foreground c aset sc.addAttribute aset StyleConstants.FontFamily Lucida Console aset..