java Programming Glossary: sc.nextline
How to get a random line of a text file in Java? n 0 for Scanner sc new Scanner f sc.hasNext n String line sc.nextLine if rand.nextInt n 0 result line return result share improve..
Validating input using java.util.Scanner or 'exit' while sc.hasNext exit Scanner lineSc new Scanner sc.nextLine int sum 0 while lineSc.hasNextInt sum lineSc.nextInt System.out.println..
Creating a recursive method for Palindrome type a word to check if its a palindrome or not String x sc.nextLine if isPal x System.out.println x is a palindrome else System.out.println..
Weird behaviour with Scanner#nextFloat System.out.print Enter title String title sc.nextLine This line is skipped System.out.print title Edit This reproduces.. testFloat sc.skip n This doesn't solve the issue sc.nextLine System.out.println Enter an integer value int testInt sc.nextInt.. System.out.println Enter a string value String testString sc.nextLine System.out.println testString java java util scanner share..
Reading in from - Java
java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found Day1.ParseTree.main 17 My code is while str sc.nextLine null i 0 if str.equals Locations size 4 t 3 str sc.nextLine.. null i 0 if str.equals Locations size 4 t 3 str sc.nextLine str sc.nextLine if str.equals Professions size 3 t 2 str sc.nextLine.. 0 if str.equals Locations size 4 t 3 str sc.nextLine str sc.nextLine if str.equals Professions size 3 t 2 str sc.nextLine str sc.nextLine..
Remote method invocation port in use e public void run String ip null while sc.hasNext ip sc.nextLine .equalsIgnoreCase q try linker.setName ip catch RemoteException..