java Programming Glossary: scalewidth
Rotate a saved bitmap in android newHeight 200 calculate the scale in this case 0.4f float scaleWidth float newWidth width float scaleHeight float newHeight height.. newHeight height Matrix matrix new Matrix matrix.postScale scaleWidth scaleHeight matrix.postRotate x Bitmap resizedBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap..
Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image new Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight getSize int scaleWidth int Math.round image.getWidth scaleFactor int scaleHeight int.. scaleFactor Image scaled image.getScaledInstance scaleWidth scaleHeight Image.SCALE_SMOOTH int width getWidth 1 int height..
How do I resize images inside an application when the application window is resized? new Dimension image.getWidth image.getHeight getSize int scaleWidth int Math.round image.getWidth scaleFactor int scaleHeight int.. scaleFactor Image scaled image.getScaledInstance scaleWidth scaleHeight Image.SCALE_SMOOTH int width getWidth 1 int height..
add thumnails to spring layout like a grid? img.getWidth this int height img.getWidth this float scaleWidth 200f width float scaleHeight 200f height if scaleWidth scaleHeight.. scaleWidth 200f width float scaleHeight 200f height if scaleWidth scaleHeight width 1 height int height scaleHeight else width.. 1 height int height scaleHeight else width int width scaleWidth height 1 img img.getScaledInstance width height Image.SCALE_SMOOTH..