java Programming Glossary: scm
Best free Code Review tool for Eclipse/Java/Flex Development [closed] code review tool is. If it matters we're using SVN as our SCM. Here are the following I've come across Jupiter seems like..
Problems with clear case plugin eclipse installed with the proper patches. Consult the ClearCase SCM Adapter documentation for further details. Provider.. Provider name IBM Plugin name Rational ClearCase SCM Adapter Plugin ID com.rational.clearcase Version 7.5.0.v200910221234..
Code understanding, reverse engineering, best concepts and tools. Java and usage unit integration manual ... test cases and data SCM branch structure and usage documentation what is documented..
Local jars are not included in class path that all the other devs can use it they can checkout from SCM and build without worrying about where the dependencies are..
diff tool that recognizes block movement so please don't post Windows tools. EDIT I've seen Plastic SCM and it has a feature called XDiff or Xmerge and does exactly..
Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson) there is support for producing a version number from the SCM as well as a release module for automatically producing releases... Question Should build numbers be checked in to the SCM If the goal is reliably and unambiguously identifying a particular..