java Programming Glossary: schemas
Validate an XML File Against Multiple Schema Definitions to validate an XML file against a number of different schemas apologies for the contrived example a.xsd b.xsd c.xsd c.xsd.. xmlContent but this is failing to import all three of the schemas correctly resulting in cannot resolve the name 'blah' to a n.. here I needed to load a parent schema and implicit child schemas from a unit test as a resource to validate an XML String. I..
java.sql.SQLException: - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded to the same DB instance which will probably include many schemas and together you are using too many connections. Solution Increasing.. . A database instance typically serves several different schemas many different users each with multiple sessions . To do this.. do this it has a fixed number of cursors available for all schemas users and sessions. When all cursors are open in use and request..
How to pretty print XML from Java? QueryMessage n xmlns http resources SDMXML schemas v2_0 message n xmlns query http resources SDMXML.. message n xmlns query http resources SDMXML schemas v2_0 query n Query n query CategorySchemeWhere n t t t..
Best way to parse an XML String in Java? the job done and for smallish data sets and simple XML schemas it is pretty easy to use. SAX is also included with the core..
Spring schemaLocation fails when there is no internet connection fixed the problem. From what I've seen there are 2 schemas defined for the main XSD contained in a spring jar. Once to.. once without it. As an example see this part of the spring.schemas contents in spring context 3.0.5.RELEASE.jar http
Best regex to catch XSS (Cross-site Scripting) attack (in Java)? Hotmail on IE6 7 8 HTML BODY xml namespace prefix t ns urn schemas microsoft com time import namespace t implementation #default#time2..
XML instance generation from XML schema (xsd) [closed] a way I can automate the generation of XML files from XSD schemas given that I have the data and the labels. I'd like to do this..
JAXB Ant Task Error: xjc2 [ERROR] null unknown location to other files which have bound successfully all imported schemas exist. Running xjc in verbose mode produced Parent is not Defined..
Generate/get xpath from XML node java xsl 'http 1999 XSL Transform' xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt xsl output method text xsl variable name..
How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging) query I need to find the differences between 2 identical schemas identical in structure not in data and the MINUS is not supported..
Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)? which uses Java annotations on classes to build database schemas. A big startup performance problem for our package turns out..
SLF4J NoSuchMethodError on LocationAwareLogger groupId org.apache.poi groupId artifactId poi ooxml schemas artifactId version 3.7 version dependency dependency groupId..
XML shredding via XSLT in Java xsl http 1999 XSL Transform xmlns msxsl urn schemas microsoft com xslt exclude result prefixes msxsl xsl output..
update data in java class as per change in attribute in the xml file JAXB . This xml binding API can autogenerate classes from schemas and it provides convenient methods to marshal and unmarschal..