

java Programming Glossary: prematurely

Scanner vs InputStreamReader


I'm saying is that you are optimizing your application prematurely. You are better of ignoring performance for now and choosing..

Receiving SMS on Android App


10 seconds for executing its operation otherwise it can be prematurely terminated before finishing its job. share improve this answer..

How to prevent an object from getting garbage collected?


Hold a reference. If your object is getting collected prematurely it is a symptom that you have a bug in the design of your application...

How can I abort a running JDBC transaction?


can I abort a running JDBC transaction Is there a way to prematurely abort a transaction Say I have sent a command to the database..

Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate]


or Spinner is initializing. This means that code is prematurely executed code which is intended to execute ONLY when a user..

In JDK 1.6, can String equals operation can be replaced with ==?


frequently and the optimization can help. Or it was just prematurely optimized and maybe seemed safe. share improve this answer..

Best way to handle Hibernate Sessions in a layered Spring MVC Web application


As for any other performance issues don't try to optimize prematurely. Wait until you see where your problem areas are and then figure..

Best practice for thread arrays (java)


Shut them down agressively as this may be called by user prematurely as well as by me. threads.shutdownNow Wait until all is done...

HttpServletResponse seems to periodically send prematurely


seems to periodically send prematurely I'm working on a setup that takes an http request GET for testing..

Differences between Java interfaces and Objective-C protocols?
