java Programming Glossary: listitem
Android ListView headers your case you'll have something like a Header class and a ListItem class. public class Header implements Item private final String.. text.setText name return view And then the ListItem class public class ListItem implements Item private final String.. name return view And then the ListItem class public class ListItem implements Item private final String str1 private final String..
Drag and Drop custom object from JList into JLabel for int index 0 index 10 index model.addElement new ListItem Item index list.setModel model setLayout new GridBagLayout.. instanceof JLabel support.isDataFlavorSupported ListItemTransferable.LIST_ITEM_DATA_FLAVOR @Override public boolean.. t support.getTransferable Object value t.getTransferData ListItemTransferable.LIST_ITEM_DATA_FLAVOR if value instanceof ListItem..
How do I force an application-scoped bean to instantiate at application startup? will be frequently displayed to the user in the form of ListItem elements etc. I don't want all that to happen when the first..