java Programming Glossary: listactivity
Android custom ListView unable to click on items LinearLayout And here's the class that extends the ListActivity. Obviously it's still in development so forgive the things that.. be left laying around public class UpdateActivity extends ListActivity AccountManager lookupDb boolean allSelected UpdateListAdapter..
Android ListView headers Activity to display it public class MainActivity extends ListActivity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Dynamic ListView in Android app list dynamically you have to get adapter class from your ListActivity and simply add new elements. When you add items directly to.. look at the example below public class CustomList extends ListActivity private LayoutInflater mInflater private Vector RowData data..
Android: How to disable list items on list creation me with some sample code public class listTest extends ListActivity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedState super.onCreate..
How can I implement a ListView without ListActivity? (use only Activity) can I implement a ListView without ListActivity use only Activity I'm new to Android and I really need to do.. code just the onCreate method that can do Listview without ListActivity THanks java android listview activity share improve this..
Help in getting String Array from arrays.xml file package import import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.ArrayAdapter.. android.widget.ArrayAdapter public class Episode7 extends ListActivity String testArray getResources .getStringArray R.array.testArray.. testArray Assign the adapter to this ListActivity setListAdapter adapter Here is my arrays.xml file xml version..
MVC pattern in Android? in various XML files by locale etc. You extend clases like ListActivity TabActivity and make use of the XML file by inflaters You can..
How to start Activity in adapter? to start Activity in adapter I have a ListActivity with my customized adapter. and inside each of the view it may..
What is difference between @+id/android:list and @+id/list mention @ id android empty id as well. And he also extends ListActivity class. Here is the source of the article . And also what's in.. also what's in my mind as questions are Should we extend ListActivity Maybe I want an Activity which also contains other Views. We.. Views. We use @ id android list just because we extend ListActivity or we can use the same convention if we extend Activity Thanks...
Change ListView background - strange behaviour in the custom ListAdapters getView ... Code of onClick in ListActivity @Override protected ViewHolder createHolder View v createHolder..
extending from two classes two classes how can i do this public class Main extends ListActivity ControlMenu plus i would like to know that is this approach..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] beforeDescendants LinearLayout public class MyListActivity extends ListActivity private EditText mfilterEditText @Override.. public class MyListActivity extends ListActivity private EditText mfilterEditText @Override public void onCreate..