java Programming Glossary: lista
How to cast a list of inheriting objects to a collection of objects in Java? even if you used two lists. class B extends A ... List A listA List B listB listA listB still an error still leads to the same.. two lists. class B extends A ... List A listA List B listB listA listB still an error still leads to the same problem The key.. instance cannot hold A s. Therefore a List A variable like listA cannot be assigned a reference to a List B instance referred..
Common elements in two lists share improve this question Use Collection#retainAll . listA.retainAll listB listA now contains only the elements which are.. Use Collection#retainAll . listA.retainAll listB listA now contains only the elements which are also contained in listB... If you want to avoid that changes are being affected in listA then you need to create a new one. List Integer common new ArrayList..
another java generic question Code snippet 01 Collection extends Able list Collection A listA Collection B listB list listA list listB That is indeed the.. Able list Collection A listA Collection B listB list listA list listB That is indeed the reason why the wildcard notation.. something that is just Able . For instance Code snippet 02 listA.add new A valid at compile time listA.add new B not valid at..