java Programming Glossary: listed
Does the JVM prevent tail call optimizations? Machine project. The tail call subproject's status is listed as proto 80 it is unlikely to make it into Java 7 but I think..
Facebook offline access step-by-step Application ID APP_ID and Secret Key SECRET_KEY that are listed on your developer account summary of that application but not..
Android Activity ClassNotFoundException - tried everything method stub return Season.EASTER As you can see it's listed correctly in the manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest..
When to use abstract class or interface? [closed] interface will have to declare and implement the methods listed by the interface. If you also want to have a default implementation..
Interview : Can we instantiate abstract class? pointing to subclass object . This behaviour is clearly listed in JLS Section # 15.9.1 If the class instance creation expression..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no *****.dll in java.library.path must be in a directory somewhere on your PATH or on a path listed in the java.library.path system property so you can launch Java..
Java: Text to Speech engines overview found several JSAPI1.0 partially compatible frameworks listed on JSAPI Implementations page as well as a pair of Java TTS.. for JSAPI. Brief tests I've done for FreeTTS first one listed in JSAPI impls page show that it is far from reading simple..
How install a specific jdk on Mac OS X? assign to JAVA_HOME the location of the first JDK listed in the General tab of Java Preferences utility. See Apple Technical..
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] silly wrong but what is it UPDATE I've tried the steps listed in How can I use external JARs in an Android project and various..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? the src folder and should now be listed as a package. Copy one of the included Facebook icons to your..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog
How to get backspace \b to work in Eclipse's console? count on them to fix it and there are no workarounds listed. You might have luck finding a plugin that contributes a more..
Why does the JVM still not support tail-call optimization? there seems to be a prototype implementation and MLVM has listed the feature as proto 80 for some time now. Is there no active..
How to capture video using JMF, but without installing JMF Create a package I'll call it JMFNoInstall Add the files listed in step 6 Add a class called Main to this package as such package.. file gets updated whenever the the Main class listed above runs. You only need to run this once the first time the..
Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application String name throws ClassNotFoundException if name is white listed JDK class return super.loadClass name return findClass name..
Smoothing a jagged path 5 Assuming our path had the shapes shown and the points as listed I'd like to drop the 'inner corner' points of the first set..
Regular expression for excluding special characters
Method overloading and choosing the most specific type A 10 2 0 null null B The rules of type evaluation are listed here . In B it is easy both terms are exactly the same null..