java Programming Glossary: ld_library_path
How to compile dynamic library for a JNI application on linux? the main class Hello. Program will exit. I even tried this LD_LIBRARY_PATH `pwd` export LD_LIBRARY_PATH with no results. I know I'm doing.. will exit. I even tried this LD_LIBRARY_PATH `pwd` export LD_LIBRARY_PATH with no results. I know I'm doing something extremely stupid..
problems with java3D lib configuration includes the .so files provided with Java3D 2 Setup your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable export LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH.. 2 Setup your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable export LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH usr lib path to java3d libraries 3 Set the java.library.path.. environment variable export LD_LIBRARY_PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH usr lib path to java3d libraries 3 Set the java.library.path..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError in Linux I'm not that sure about linux. I've read something about LD_LIBRARY_PATH and some other env vars but I can make it work. Any advice EDIT..
wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 Unknown Source br I've already updated LD_LIBRARY_PATH so it includes the directory containing the file above. java..
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no xuggle-xuggler in java.library.path export PATH XUGGLE_HOME lib XUGGLE_HOME bin PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH XUGGLE_HOME lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH usr share netbeans 6.9 bin ... bin PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH XUGGLE_HOME lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH usr share netbeans 6.9 bin . netbeans I use eclipse so I just..