java Programming Glossary: layouts
Android heterogeneous gridview like pinterest? ScrollView Now add your ImageView dynamically in layouts linear1 LinearLayout findViewById linear2 LinearLayout..
Android ListView headers we have classes the implement Item and inflate the correct layouts. In your case you'll have something like a Header class and..
How to disable interaction between buttons of the same layout? between buttons of the same layout I have two sets of layouts populated with buttons. Is there a way to disable any interaction.. with and for buttons that belongs to upper and lower layouts. I have 5 of each kind. I have some interaction beetwen buttons.. kind. I have some interaction beetwen buttons of oposite layouts and that's working fine actually interaction works fine between..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) fonts and XML layouts Android I'm trying to define a GUI layout using XML files in..
Create an Android Jar library for distribution Java JAR file. FWIW I do not need to embed resources layouts in the JAR. I've seen http but it feels like a..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android in the right one. Is there such a layout or combination of layouts and parameters or do I have to implement my own ViewGroup for..
How to add JTable in JPanel a Container lesson for further details. One aspect of layouts that is not covered well by the tutorial is that of nested layouts.. that is not covered well by the tutorial is that of nested layouts putting one layout inside another to get complex effects. The.. components into a frame to demonstrate how to use nested layouts. All the layouts that are explicitly set are shown as a titled..
Why is it frowned upon to use a null layout in SWING? specific that don't really match any of the pre defined layouts java swing layout share improve this question If you layer..
Understand the R class in Android identify all assets from strings to android widgets to layouts for usage in java classes in Android app. Note this is..
Centering a JLabel on a JPanel JPanel is first created. I'm bad enough trying to handle layouts myself but since the NetBeans GUI Builder autogenerates immutable..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? between displayed components. I have been told this With layouts the answer is always the same use a suitable LayoutManager I..
Java Swing: How can I implement a login screen before showing a JFrame? to false effect the icon too Do I instead make and destroy layouts or panels or something like that What are my options How can..
How to transition from managedQuery to LoaderManager/CursorLoader? . This design might make the transition to multi pane layouts easier if you ever decide to optimize your application for tablets...
The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice? JList simple example below . As nodes in a JTree . Nested layouts . But if those strategies do not work for a particular use case..