java Programming Glossary: lazily
Most elegant way to generate prime numbers imagine it being particularly efficient dfa Use LINQ to lazily generate the list of primes Maghis Put lots of primes in a text..
Java Integer: Constant Pool objects. The implementation may cache these lazily or eagerly. For other values this formulation disallows any..
Why equal operator works for Integer value until 128 number? objects. The implementation may cache these lazily or eagerly. For other values this formulation disallows any..
Open Session In View Pattern be errors related to closed sessions when some entity is lazily initialized in the view and it fails due to the session having..
Instance variable initialization in java fields declared before it. Additionally you might want to lazily initialize your field. In cases when initializing a field is..
How to implement communication between Java client application (Android) and PHP server application? instead of in URL. Note that it's lazily executed the request will only be fired if you actually obtain..
Upload files with java boundary finally if writer null writer.close Connection is lazily executed whenever you request any status. int responseCode HttpURLConnection..
Eager / auto loading of EJB / load EJB on startup (on JBoss) EJB load EJB on startup on JBoss EJBs seem to be loaded lazily whenever accessed. However I want to initialize them eagerly..
Difference between FetchType LAZY and EAGER in Java persistence? of the fields i.e. eagerly or to load it on demand i.e. lazily when you call the university's getStudents method. When a university..
Weird Integer boxing in Java objects. The implementation may cache these lazily or eagerly. For other values this formulation disallows any..
How to create dynamic JSF 1.2 form fields with the bean h form id form binding # bean.form And then lazily populate it in the getter of the form public HtmlForm getForm..
What is the exact meaning of Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() and freeMemory()? a maxMemory . The answer is that the JVM allocates memory lazily. Lets say you start your Java process as such java Xms64m Xmx1024m.. to the JVM for Foo. If the JVM needs more memory it will lazily allocate it up to the maximum memory. If you run with Xms1024m..
How to solve the “Double-Checked Locking is Broken” Declaration in Java? the double check idiom is the technique of choice for lazily initializing an instance field. While you can apply the double..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? need them. Singletons are a nightmare for testing and if lazily initialized will introduce state indeterminism with subtle side..
Calling a Servlet from a Java application share improve this question URLConnection is only lazily executed whenever you call any of the get methods. Add the following..
Joda Time: How to get dates of weekdays on some date interval? date jodatime share improve this question Solution lazily step by one week. import org.joda.time.LocalDate import java.util.Iterator..
The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma objects e.g. from different sessions dynamic proxies from lazily loaded data structures can be detected Whether entities behave..
Integer wrapper objects share the same instances only within the value 127? objects. The implementation may cache these lazily or eagerly. For other values this formulation disallows any..
In log4j, does checking isDebugEnabled before logging improve performance? of arguments to be substituted by the logger&mdash but lazily only if the logger is enabled. This is the approach taken by..