java Programming Glossary: leaf
Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener . Addenda Note that isCellEditable ensures that only leaf nodes can be edited. As @kleopatra notes in comments the previous..
JTree: Set custom open/closed icons for individual groups icons for individual groups I know how to set custom leaf icons in JTree I know how to set custom closed open icons for.. icon which is displayed on the JTree object. open close leaf icon. private ImageIcon icon public CustomTreeNode ImageIcon.. Object value boolean selected boolean expanded boolean leaf int row boolean hasFocus super.getTreeCellRendererComponent..
Java Pass Method as Parameter Component myComponentArray Method myMethod for Component leaf myComponentArray if leaf instanceof Container recursive call.. Method myMethod for Component leaf myComponentArray if leaf instanceof Container recursive call if Container Container node.. recursive call if Container Container node Container leaf setAllComponents node.getComponents myMethod end if node myMethod..
Is there a way to refer to the current type with a type variable? . In order to close the loop and make use of the pattern leaf classes are necessary which resolve the inherited type parameter.. @Override MyLeafClass self return this public MyLeafClass leafMethod logic return self could also just return this Such classes.. usable MyLeafClass mlc new MyLeafClass .baseMethod .leafMethod AnotherLeafClass alc new AnotherLeafClass .baseMethod..
How to determine if binary tree is balanced? sometimes it takes forty branches to get to the farthest leaf in a million node imperfectly balanced tree when it could in..
List of useful environment settings in Java 5 5 final JLabel output new JLabel Select a tree leaf to see the details. panel.add output BorderLayout.SOUTH table..
Updating ImageIcon in JTree without repainting the Tree? JTree tree Object value boolean sel boolean exp boolean leaf int row boolean hasFocus super.getTreeCellRendererComponent.. super.getTreeCellRendererComponent tree value sel exp leaf row hasFocus YourMutableTreeNode node YourMutableTreeNode value.. YourMutableTreeNode node YourMutableTreeNode value if leaf node.getStatus .equals OK setIcon okIcon return this Addendum..
Put JTable in the JTree Object value boolean selected boolean expanded boolean leaf int row boolean hasFocus final String v String DefaultMutableTreeNode..