java Programming Glossary: learnt
Using superclass to initialise a subclass object java a subclass object like above Because the only way i learnt to instantiate an object is to SubClass object new SubClass..
Are the &, |, ^ bitwise operators or logical operators? the ^ bitwise operators or logical operators Firstly I learnt that ^ are the bitwise operators and now somebody mentioned..
JSF Service Layer but since Java EE 6 has incorporated all the nice lessons learnt from Spring it has become superfluous . Note that EJB and JPA..
JPQL Create new Object In Select Statement - avoid or embrace? new Object In Select Statement avoid or embrace I've learnt recently that it is possible to create new objects in JPQL statements..
Netbeans GUI editor generating its own incomprehensible code some code which I DO NOT RECOGNISE AT ALL as what i had learnt in swing. It imports packages such as org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication..
Difference between a deprecated and a legacy API? the legacy API's in the Java's Collection Framework and I learnt that classes such as Vector and HashTable have been superseded..
How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading concern is possibly threadsafety . You should now have learnt that Servlets and filters are shared among all requests. That's..
Is Grails worth it? [closed] had a team of 12 people all seasoned senior Java devs who learnt Grails from 0.6B and we are all still working on projects based..
how does Class.forName() work does Class.forName work i just learnt about java.sql package. it uses class.forName to dynamically..
How to internationalize a Java web application? to internationalize a Java web application I learnt from Google that Internationalization is the process by which.. Unicode for the process of internationalization so I learnt about Unicode from here and there . I am able to understand..
Is JDK “upward” or “backward” compatible? compatible. And it also serves as a lesson that should be learnt long ago the people writing the compilers are usually right..
File Streaming in Java performance so hard. Ok now after all those things I've learnt there is 1 question and 1 dilemma Question When we are mapping..
Java App : Unable to read iso-8859-1 encoded file correctly usually printing as a . I have read around the subject and learnt a little on the way e.g. http articles..
What exactly is Java EE? Java EE 5 6 the EJB API was much improved based on lessons learnt from Spring. Now with Java EE 6 which comes with very nice EJB..