java Programming Glossary: leads
Enum in Java. Advantages? value. Using an enum that is guaranteed. Moreover this leads to more self documenting code because you can use code completion..
How do you determine the ideal buffer size when using FileInputStream? complex and it changes with every CPU type . This leads to the 'real world' answer If your app is like 99 out there..
bug with varargs and overloading? there just resignation. Varargs and auto boxing which also leads to hard to follow behaviour especially in combination with varargs..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? it returns null if there's no appropriate action. That leads the null checking you're talking about. An alternative solution..
Is there a recommended way to use the Observer pattern in MVP using GWT? recommended way to do it as far as GWT is concerned which leads me to my questions what is the recommended way to implement..
Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement Precompilation and DB side caching of the SQL statement leads to overall faster execution and the ability to reuse the same..
Why is January month 0 in Java Calendar? is missing as is date time vs date vs time An API which leads to ugly code with magic constants instead of clearly named methods.. use of parameterless constructors to default to now which leads to hard to test code The Date.toString implementation which..
How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex? to the hosting language should be considered if it leads to a simpler solution. As mentioned at the top while this article..
Why not use Double or Float to represent currency? an exponent and the rest for the actual fraction. This leads to numbers being represented in a form similar to 1.45 10^4..
Why are local variables not initialized in Java? why can't we do the same for local variables And it also leads to problems as explained in this comment to a blog post ..... before use does not lead to real problems. It only leads to minor hassles but your code will be better for it. You'll..
How to reliably guess the encoding between MacRoman, CP1252, Latin1, UTF-8, and ASCII into a dull complacency regarding encodings and this leads to improper handling. It would almost be better to have no extension..
Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java operations built in in the target processor. This leads to much more eļ¬cient code because it can use the available machine..
The case against checked exceptions them by always catching them and dismissing them which leads to problems being hidden and ignored that would otherwise be..
Can a Java class add a method to itself at runtime? I leave that as food for thought can't prove if this leads to a solution or if we have pitfalls. As a simple answer to..
Stack with find-min/find-max more efficient than O(n)? see the max and min are computed correctly. Overall this leads to an implementation of the stack that has O 1 push pop find..
Why is Spring's ApplicationContext.getBean considered bad? comes at a price. It tends to be hard to understand and leads to problems when you are trying to debug. So on the whole I..
why doesn't java send the client certificate during SSL handshake? all certificates except the client one. All of the above leads to the fact that java decides it doesn't have any certificates..