java Programming Glossary: layers
Java: How to draw non-scrolling overlay over ScrollPane Viewport? my ScrollPane and the overlay another JPanel on different layers on the LayerPane Is there functionality in ScrollPane to support..
Spring @Transactional Annotation Best Practice the DAO objects Or does it make sense to annotate both layers java spring annotations transactions dao share improve this..
Spring vs EJB. Can Spring replace EJB? Spring encourages good OO design practices e.g. interfaces layers separation of concerns that benefit any problem they touch even..
Spring + Hibernate : a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session Locus dummyLocus Service method which acces DAO layers CommonService serv ctx.getCommonService boolean newFamily false..
What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why? cleanly define interfaces into subsystems rather than into layers of the system. So if you have an orders subsystem that you want.. that I can see is that it does make ripping out layers a little bit more difficult. Instead of just deleting or renaming.. some other functionality. There are some additional rules layers are stacked from most general bottom to most specific top each..
Serializing and De-Serializing in Java of an application that handles an image with multiple layers. I am able to export a flat version of the project file as a.. for later editing including any options applied to certain layers such as text based layers . Anyway I have ensured that the classes.. any options applied to certain layers such as text based layers . Anyway I have ensured that the classes that need to be written..
how to change UI depending on combo box selection and another group of controls otherwise. I.e. I need 2 layers and I need to switch between them when combo is checked unchecked...
What's the difference between @Component, @Repository & @Service annotations in Spring? for example in the persistence service and presentation layers respectively. Therefore you can annotate your component classes..
Android REST client, Sample? in response to my requirement. You might need to have more layers add more complexity if your use case demands it. For example.. URL's and the data format used. The client would have 2 layers Top layer The purpose of this layer is to provide methods which..
JLayeredPane and painting am writing an application which has a JLayeredPane call it layers containing two JPanels in different layers. I override the paintComponent.. call it layers containing two JPanels in different layers. I override the paintComponent method of the JPanel at the bottom.. so it paints a circuit. Here's a summary of the structure layers circuit_panel on top grid_panel at bottom I want the grid_panel..