java Programming Glossary: latin1
How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps? set used by browsers and tomcat java for webapps is latin1 ie. ISO 8859 1 which understands those characters. To get UTF.. SET path NULL ... RETURN path END DELIMITER GET requests latin1 and UTF 8 If and when it's defined in tomcat's server.xml that.. ASCII characters are encoded in the same way both with latin1 and UTF 8 the string Petteri is handled correctly. The Cyrillic..
Java code/library for generating slugs (for use in pretty URLs) U 0130 İ not U 0049 I so you risk introducing a non latin1 character back into your string if you use String.toLowerCase..
How do I convert between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 in Java? are found. To transcode text byte utf8 new String latin1 ISO 8859 1 .getBytes UTF 8 or byte latin1 new String utf8 UTF.. utf8 new String latin1 ISO 8859 1 .getBytes UTF 8 or byte latin1 new String utf8 UTF 8 .getBytes ISO 8859 1 You can exercise..
How to determine if a String contains invalid encoded characters Good luck public static String fixEncoding String latin1 try byte bytes latin1.getBytes ISO 8859 1 if validUTF8 bytes.. static String fixEncoding String latin1 try byte bytes latin1.getBytes ISO 8859 1 if validUTF8 bytes return latin1 return.. bytes latin1.getBytes ISO 8859 1 if validUTF8 bytes return latin1 return new String bytes UTF 8 catch UnsupportedEncodingException..
Handling Character Encoding in URI on Tomcat encoding to UTF 8 in Tomcat. However sometimes we get Latin1 encoding on certain browsers http localhost 8080 a turns into.. some intelligent guessing. We don't expect to handle the Latin1 correctly 100 but anything is better than what we are doing..
How to Force a jar to uses(or the jvm runs in) utf-8 instead of the system's default encoding but all modern JVMs have the common ones like UTF 8 UTF 16 Latin1 etc. The official list for Oracle's JVM http
How to reliably guess the encoding between MacRoman, CP1252, Latin1, UTF-8, and ASCII to reliably guess the encoding between MacRoman CP1252 Latin1 UTF 8 and ASCII At work it seems like no week ever passes without..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? to 0 .. 7F the ASCII range 80 .. FF the non ASCII Latin1 range 100 .. FFFF the non Latin1 BMP Basic Multilingual Plane.. 80 .. FF the non ASCII Latin1 range 100 .. FFFF the non Latin1 BMP Basic Multilingual Plane range 10000 .. 10FFFF the non BMP..
How to determine if a String contains invalid encoded characters in server.xml. If you have to manually URL decode use Latin1 as charset also. Use the fixEncoding function to fix up encodings... throw unchecked throw new IllegalStateException No Latin1 or UTF 8 e.getMessage public static boolean validUTF8 byte input..