

java Programming Glossary: jaxblist

Is it possible to programmatically configure JAXB?


JAXB to unmarshal marshal a List String By annotating JaxbList with @XmlRootElement name persons and @XmlElement name person.. XML above. But it'd be nice to be able to reuse the same JaxbList T class to also marshal a list of Address objects. And in reality.. without having to write a separate implementation of JaxbList for every bean type Maybe XmlJavaTypeAdapter can achieve this..

Using JAXB to unmarshal/marshal a List<String>


and expanded it to @XmlRootElement name List public class JaxbList T protected List T list public JaxbList public JaxbList List.. List public class JaxbList T protected List T list public JaxbList public JaxbList List T list this.list list @XmlElement name.. JaxbList T protected List T list public JaxbList public JaxbList List T list this.list list @XmlElement name Item public List..