

java Programming Glossary: java_home

How install a specific jdk on Mac OS X?


a comment under @Thilo's answer @mobibob asked how to set JAVA_HOME in your .bash_profile on a Mac. Answer export JAVA_HOME ` usr.. JAVA_HOME in your .bash_profile on a Mac. Answer export JAVA_HOME ` usr libexec java_home` This will dynamically assign to JAVA_HOME.. ` usr libexec java_home` This will dynamically assign to JAVA_HOME the location of the first JDK listed in the General tab of Java..

Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found


Please validate either ANDROID_STUDIO_JDK or JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME points to valid JDK installation. ECHO is off. Press any key.. be downloaded here . Additionally make sure the variable JAVA_HOME is also set with the above location. share improve this answer..

How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses?


already does the standard Java classes that come from your JAVA_HOME are allowed to do setAccessible while unsigned applet classes..

how do I get eclipse to use a different compiler version for Java?


it also seems to simply not work. For example I have my JAVA_HOME set to a jre for Java 1.6. It's still not clear to me how Eclipse..

How to set java_home on Windows 7?


for user variables and one for system variables both named JAVA_HOME and both pointing to C Sun SDK jdk bin but for some reason I.. be a subdirectory like C Program Files Java jre6 Set the JAVA_HOME Variable Once you have the JDK installation path Right click.. System Variables click New. Enter the variable name as JAVA_HOME . Enter the variable value as the installation path for the..

telling java to accept self-signed ssl certificate


it in your JVM truststore to establish a chain of trust JAVA_HOME bin keytool import v trustcacerts alias server alias file server.cer..

Where is JAVA_HOME on OSX Lion (10.7) , Mountain Lion (10.8) or Mavericks (10.9)?


is JAVA_HOME on OSX Lion 10.7 Mountain Lion 10.8 or Mavericks 10.9 Java.. versions of OSX. Yet once installed it appears like the JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set properly . java osx share.. the file ~ .bash_profile and add the following line export JAVA_HOME ` usr libexec java_home v 1.6` or export JAVA_HOME ` usr libexec..

Run ant from Java


how to run Ant from Java I got some code from here Setting JAVA_HOME when running Ant from Java But haven't been able to make it..

Installing IDEA on Ubuntu 11.10


to run IDEA. Please validate either IDEA_JDK JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME environment variable points to valid JDK installation. Press..

Resolving javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed Error?


for App2 to the keystore file of the used JVM located at JAVA_HOME lib security cacerts . First you can check if your certificate.. by running the following command keytool list keystore JAVA_HOME jre lib security cacerts you don't need to provide a password..

What should I set JAVA_HOME to on OSX


this question Does Snow Leopard still have usr libexec java_home On 10.5 I just set JAVA_HOME to the output of that command which.. file which sets this variable export JAVA_HOME usr libexec java_home I haven't experienced any problems with that technique. Occasionally..

Application is using Java 6 from Apple instead of Java 7 from Oracle on Mac OS X?


environment looks like this OS X version 10.8 usr libexec java_home V Matching Java Virtual Machines 3 1.7.0_12 x86_64 Java SE 7.. jdk1.7.0_12.jdk Contents Home usr libexec java_home Library Java JavaVirtualMachines jdk1.7.0_12.jdk Contents Home..

Java_home in Maven


in Maven When I ran mvn version I noticed the java_home points to ...jdk jre as shown below . Is that wrong Isn't it.. without the jre If so how do I reset it In global java_home points to the jdk directory C Users Owner mvn version Apache..

How install a specific jdk on Mac OS X?


on a Mac. Answer export JAVA_HOME ` usr libexec java_home` This will dynamically assign to JAVA_HOME the location of the..

Where does Ant set its 'java.home' (and is it wrong) and is it supposed to append '/jre'?


see as java.home . Comments in the code indicate that ' java_home jre' is being formally specified as the java.lang.System property..

How to set java_home on Windows 7?


to set java_home on Windows 7 I went to the Environment Variables in 'System'..

Where is JAVA_HOME on OSX Lion (10.7) , Mountain Lion (10.8) or Mavericks (10.9)?


and add the following line export JAVA_HOME ` usr libexec java_home v 1.6` or export JAVA_HOME ` usr libexec java_home v 1.7` this.. libexec java_home v 1.6` or export JAVA_HOME ` usr libexec java_home v 1.7` this will set the environment variable accordingly. Update..