

java Programming Glossary: jaxb2

Generating a JAXB class that implements an interface


parameter Xifins Any ideas java xml schema jaxb xjc jaxb2 basics share improve this question Unfortunately it looks.. http java.sun.com xml ns jaxb xjc xmlns inheritance http jaxb2 commons.dev.java.net basic inheritance jxb extensionBindingPrefixes.. to add to the classpath java jar jaxb xjc.jar classpath jaxb2 basics 0.5.3.jar jaxb2 basics runtime 0.5.3.jar jaxb2 basics..

Difference of Maven JAXB plugins


plugin the other from Codehaus http mojo.codehaus.org jaxb2 maven plugin Which of these two plugins can be recommended Thanks.. jaxb plugin artifactId and that one groupId org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2 groupId artifactId maven jaxb2 plugin artifactId and.. groupId org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2 groupId artifactId maven jaxb2 plugin artifactId and still the one from Codehouse. java maven..

How can i tell jaxb / Maven to genereate multiple schema packages?


schema packages Example plugin plugin groupId org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2 groupId artifactId maven jaxb2 plugin artifactId version.. groupId org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2 groupId artifactId maven jaxb2 plugin artifactId version 0.7.1 version executions execution.. configuration plugin plugin groupId org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2 groupId artifactId maven jaxb2 plugin artifactId version..

JAXB: how to marshall map into <key>value</key>


Thanks for any ideas I'm stuck with that... java xml jaxb jaxb2 share improve this question the code provided didn't work..

How do you customize how JAXB generates plural method names?


jaxb bindings jaxb bindings jaxb bindings java xml jaxb jaxb2 share improve this question By default the following is..