

java Programming Glossary: initui

JTextPane doesn't display JScrollPane and doesn't Wrap Text


SwingUtilities.invokeLater new Runnable public void run initUI public static void initUI StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder.. new Runnable public void run initUI public static void initUI StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder for int i 0 i 100 i sb.append..

Adding jRadioButton into jTable


selected selected selected protected void initUI MyObjectManager manager new MyObjectManager for int i 0 i 200..

How to request focus synchronously in Swing?


new Runnable @Override public void run initUI public void cleanupForRestart Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit .removeAWTEventListener.. jframe.setVisible false jframe null public void initUI GroupLayout groupLayout new GroupLayout jframe.getContentPane..

How can I generate a tag cloud in Java, with OpenCloud?


travel trip uk usa vacation water wedding protected void initUI JFrame frame new JFrame TestOpenCloud.class.getSimpleName frame.setDefaultCloseOperation.. Runnable @Override public void run new TestOpenCloud .initUI This code is based on the Example 1 of the OpenCloud library..

Dynamically update tooltip currently displayed


public class TestTooltips protected static void initUI JFrame frame new JFrame test final JLabel label new JLabel Label..

How can I set each character to a different color/background color in a JTextPane?


public class TestDifferentStyles private void initUI JFrame frame new JFrame TestDifferentStyles.class.getSimpleName..