java Programming Glossary: input.xml
JAXB Marshalling Unmarshalling with CDATA jc.createUnmarshaller File xml new File src forum14193944 input.xml Root root Root unmarshaller.unmarshal xml Marshaller marshaller.. marshaller.marshal root new OutputStreamWriter System.out input.xml Output xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 standalone yes root name..
Split XML in Multiple XML files void main String args throws Exception File input new File input.xml DocumentBuilderFactory dbf DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance..
Remove XML Node using java parser Document document dbf.newDocumentBuilder .parse new File input.xml XPathFactory xpf XPathFactory.newInstance XPath xpath xpf.newXPath..
Getting an attribute value in xml element dbf.newDocumentBuilder Document document db.parse new File input.xml NodeList nodeList document.getElementsByTagName Item for int..
XSLT processing with Java? [closed] xslt Source text new StreamSource new File input.xml transformer.transform text new StreamResult new File output.xml..
Split 1GB Xml file using Java xsr xif.createXMLStreamReader new FileReader input.xml xsr.nextTag Advance to statements element TransformerFactory..
JAXB unmarshalling multiple XML elements into single class AdaptedWrapper.class File xml new File input.xml Unmarshaller unmarshaller jc.createUnmarshaller AdaptedWrapper..
JAXB filtered parsing FileInputStream xmlStream new FileInputStream input.xml XMLStreamReader xsr xif.createXMLStreamReader xmlStream xsr..
JAXB Element mapping MyBean.class File xml new File src forum9799081 input.xml Unmarshaller unmarshaller jc.createUnmarshaller MyBean myBean.. true marshaller.marshal myBean System.out input.xml Output xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 standalone yes alpha beta..