java Programming Glossary: initially
Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean these types JSF Managed Beans CDI Beans and EJBs JSF was initially developed with its own managed bean and dependency injection..
How is the java memory pool divided? for objects. Eden Space The pool from which memory is initially allocated for most objects. Survivor Space The pool containing..
Java rectangle collision detection confusion walkFR duration false bucky movingDown facing screen initially on startup public void render GameContainer gc StateBasedGame..
Making a OneToOne-relation lazy in case of one to many empty collection proxy is created initially and populated on demand so the association can be lazy. Replacing..
Swing animation running extremely slow insanely inefficient but I don't know what. I thought initially maybe it's accessing the ArrayList so much which I guess would..
Immutability of Strings in Java a reference. s2 still points to the same object as we initially set s1 to point to. Setting s1 to Help only changes the reference..
Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans? POJO A Plain Old Java Object or POJO is a term initially introduced to designate a simple lightweight Java object not..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse menu View v ContextMenuInfo menuInfo will be initially populated like this list.setOnCreateContextMenuListener new..
Java Webservice Client (Best way) code using the WSDL2Java I used some of the basic things initially. Now I have these options C axis2 1.5.1 bin wsdl2java uri mywsdlurl..
How to set a timer in java is how to do what the subject asks as this was how I initially interpreted it and a few people seemed to find helpful. The..
Why can't I define a static method in a Java interface? made to add static methods to interfaces in Java 7 and was initially slated for inclusion but was later dropped due to unforeseen..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] from this listener. I have tried creating an if statement initially set to false around all the code inside of the overridden method..
Should I use Java date and time classes or go with a 3rd party library like Joda Time? for anything beyond the simplest uses... and even if you initially think you only need simple functionality these things have a..
How to create a modular JSF 2.0 application? have references to the module's interface ready. The way I initially thought to do this was to do a ui include that asks the module..
java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table to run naturally. This simulates a process that works initially but fails after some significant time has passed. Note there..
SimpleDateFormat thread safety SimpleDateFormat For example parse .. calls calendar.clear initially and then calendar.add .. . If another thread invokes parse ....
Adding points to XYSeries dynamically with JfreeChart my Sample class I have a 2D array sample row 2 which has initially 10 rows and then I need to call the JfreeChart class and add..
How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work? this question In this example the internal frame will initially be no more than MAX_SIZE pixels. Smaller pictures will be sized..
Java ResultSet how to check if there are any results java jdbc share improve this question That's correct initially the ResultSet 's cursor is pointing to before the first row..
Java pass by reference a reference of type Foo with a name a is declared and it's initially assigned to null . public static void changeReference Foo a..
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? With the sorted data the code runs in 1.93 seconds. Initially I thought this might be just a language or compiler anomaly...
What can be done with 'PermGen out of space' exception in Tomcat-Spring-Hibernate web application? it int live environment with much more data it failed. Initially the application starts normally but after few actions 'PermGen..
Refactoring domain logic that accesses repositories in a legacy system if there are no existing cars with that component today. Initially I implemented this in a service class. public boolean canBeDiscontinued..
Setting JDK in eclipse for java 6 and 7. I want to build my project using both. Initially we only built against 1.6 I see in my project setting I can..
Adding a timer and displaying label text a timer and displaying label text I have a JLabel. Initially i have set some text to it. JLabel j new JLabel set width height..
Removing items from a collection in java while iterating over it multiple elements from a set while I am iterating over it. Initially I hoped that iterators were smart enough for the naive solution..
Java: Multi-dimensional array vs. One-dimensional One dimensional For example a int x y z vs b int x y z Initially thought i'd go with a for simplicity I know that Java doesn't..
How to use JTA support in Tomcat 6 for Hibernate? added the SessionFactory.getCurrentSession method. Initially this assumed usage of JTA transactions where the JTA transaction..
Android Debugging InetAddress.isReachable that InetAddress.isReachable should do this for me. Initially I thought that I could code something like InetAddress address..
Is there a Java API for mp4 files? just open this file like you have done for wavs already. Initially you will probably extract the audio to a separate file for simplicity's..
How to process a form login using Spring Security / Spring MVC I have a simple Spring MVC Spring Security webapp. Initially I set up Spring Security so that the default login page shows..
Is there a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) data type in Java, and should I use it? cases in a LRU connection stream that have to be modeled Initially there's a Power Distribution Unit PDU with multiple ports 16..
How to gray-out non-editable cell in jtable? void validate This works but with one annoying artefact Initially checkbox is left arranged when I press left mouse button it..
Java BasicStroke “Fuzzy” applet with Java but I'm having trouble with BasicStroke . Initially my plan was to try to somehow draw a line with a width but the..
Android Custom Listview null ... block will be called only 11 times. getView Count Initially count will be 10 but when you start scrolling count keep on..
read the output from java exec ps new ProcessBuilder java.exe version From the DOC Initially this property is false meaning that the standard output and..
Class loading isolation issue (or How to use JPA2 on JBoss 5.x ?) war jboss5.x share improve this question 1 SUMMARY Initially I have tried this class loading isolation for loading Hibernate..
What's the advantage of a Java enum versus a class with public static final fields? to those in C# but apparently this is not the case. Initially I was excited to learn that Java enums could contain multiple..