

java Programming Glossary: initialise

Using superclass to initialise a subclass object java


superclass to initialise a subclass object java SuperClass object new SubClass Why use..

Initialising a multidimensional array in Java


String myStringArray new String x y is the correct way to initialise a rectangular multidimensional array. If you want it to be jagged..

Getting enum associated with int value


instead of 0 so I decided to use a private constructor to initialise and set its int value NO_LEG 1 LEG_ONE 1 LEG_TWO 2 private LegNo..

Java - How to drag and drop JPanel with its components


DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE dropHandler true Personally I initialise in the addNotify and dispose in the removeNotify dropTarget.removeDropTargetListener..

When to use wrapper class and primitive type


boxing . Another consideration is It can be handy to initialise Objects to null or send null parameters into a method constructor.. This can't be done with primitives. Many programmers initialise numbers to 0 default or 1 to signify this but depending on the..

Passing parameter to Cassandra CQL query using DataStax client


file_size VALUES create the bound statement and initialise it with your prepared statement BoundStatement boundStatement..

Sizes of frame icons used in Swing


of frame icons used in Swing We can use a list to initialise the window icons using Window.setIconImages List Icon . What..

Variable length (Dynamic) Arrays in Java


length Dynamic Arrays in Java I was wondering how to initialise an integer array such that it's size and values change through..

Is there any point in using a volatile long?


as there is no guarantee that the Spring context will initialise each bean's properties in the main thread. java multithreading..

Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function


null short buffers new short 256 160 int ix 0 try ... initialise int N AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize 8000 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO..

Default constructor vs. inline field initialization


bodies. Which has implications if you have both initialisers and constructors the constructor code executes second and.. the constructor code executes second and overrides an initialised value Initialisers are good when you always need the same initial.. favour or against you If you have many constructors that initialise variables differently i.e. with different values then initialisers..

How to Initialise a static Map in Java


to Initialise a static Map in Java How would you initialise a static Map in Java Method one Static initializer Method two.. in Java Method one Static initializer Method two instance initialiser anonymous subclass or some other method What are the pros and.. share improve this question The instance initialiser is just syntactic sugar in this case right I don't see why..

Encryption with BlowFish in Java


upon Blowfish Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance Blowfish initialise cipher to with secret key cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE secretkey..

How to sort alphabetically while ignoring case sensitive?


String 7 List String lst Sorter lst new ArrayList String initialise UNSORTED array fruits 0 Melon fruits 1 apricot fruits 2 peach..

Generate Random Numbers in Array [duplicate]


n N gives n 0 through n N 1 for each i in 0..N 1 n i i initialise them to their indexes nsize N starting pool size do N times..

How to get class of generic type when there is no parameter of it?


method. If I add a local variable T retValue I'd have to initialise it with something null doesn't help. After I assign it like..