

java Programming Glossary: initem

Retrieving HTML encoded text from XML using SAXParser


new Item if itemList null itemList new ArrayList Item inItem true @Override public void endElement String uri String localName.. uri String localName String qName throws SAXException if inItem if inImage if inChannel Reached end of feed if localName.equalsIgnoreCase.. link feedImage.setLink currentValue return else is inItem finished with news item if localName.equalsIgnoreCase item ..

How to parse XML using the SAX parser


private Items items private Item item private boolean inItem false private StringBuilder content public ExampleHandler items.. new Channel else if localName.equalsIgnoreCase item inItem true item new Item public void endElement String uri String.. SAXException if localName.equalsIgnoreCase title if inItem item.setTitle content.toString else channel.setTitle content.toString..