

java Programming Glossary: initialvalue

How is Java's ThreadLocal implemented under the hood?


like so private T setInitialValue T value initialValue Thread t Thread.currentThread ThreadLocalMap map getMap t if..

How to make JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog have No selected by default?


messageType int optionType Icon icon Object options Object initialValue where options specifies the buttons and have initialValue one.. initialValue where options specifies the buttons and have initialValue one of the options values specify what the default is. Update..

Disable ok button on JOptionPane.dialog until user gives an input


optionType int messageType Icon icon Object options Object initialValue Updated For example... public class TestOptionPane05 public..

Hibernate Annotation Placement Question


ThreadLocalSession.initialValue HibernateSessionFactory.java 25 at com.widget.util.hibernate.HibernateSessionFactory.. ThreadLocalSession.initialValue HibernateSessionFactory.java 1 at java.lang.ThreadLocal ThreadLocalMap.getAfterMiss.. line 25 is marked .... protected Session initialValue SessionFactory sessionFactory null try Configuration cfg new..

“Java DateFormat is not threadsafe” what does this leads to?


new ThreadLocal DateFormat @Override protected DateFormat initialValue return new SimpleDateFormat yyyyMMdd public Date convert String..

Java: is there no AtomicFloat or AtomicDouble?


bits public AtomicFloat this 0f public AtomicFloat float initialValue bits new AtomicInteger floatToIntBits initialValue public final.. float initialValue bits new AtomicInteger floatToIntBits initialValue public final boolean compareAndSet float expect float update..

When and how should I use a ThreadLocal variable?


SimpleDateFormat @Override protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue return new SimpleDateFormat yyyyMMdd HHmm public String formatIt..