java Programming Glossary: foreach
Places where JavaBeans are used? the data table tr th ID th th Name th th Birthdate th tr c forEach items users var user tr td td td c out value formatDate value user.birthdate pattern yyyy MM dd td tr c forEach table Does it make sense You see it's kind of a convention which..
Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet You can use JSTL just drop jstl 1.2.jar in WEB INF lib c forEach tag for this. You can prepopulate the 1st list in the doGet.. with the JSP page. select name dd1 onchange submit c forEach items dd1options var option option value option.key param.dd1.. param.dd1 option.key 'selected' '' option.value option c forEach select select name dd2 onchange submit c if test empty dd2options..
How to retrieve and display images from a database in a JSP page? can if necessary also dynamically generate links with EL c forEach items imagenames var imagename img src images imagename c forEach.. items imagenames var imagename img src images imagename c forEach Then define create a servlet which listens on images servlet..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? uri http jsp jstl core prefix c ... table c forEach items products var product tr td td td product.description.. td td product.description td td product.price td tr c forEach table With XML style tags which fits nicely among all that HTML..
JSP using MVC and JDBC a JSP file in WEB INF products.jsp which uses JSTL c forEach to display the List Product which is made available by products.. uri http jsp jstl core prefix c ... table c forEach items products var product tr td td td product.description.. td td product.description td td product.price td tr c forEach table To get it to work just call the servlet by its URL. Assuming..
Most elegant way to generate prime numbers int primes primes.Count 1 2 while true bool isPrime true foreach int n in primes if nextPrime n 0 isPrime false break ..
How do I find out what type each object is in a ArrayList<Object>? from Mike ArrayList list ... List object list ... foreach object o in list if o is int HandleInt int o else if o is string..
Calling remove in foreach loop in Java remove in foreach loop in Java In Java is it legal to call remove on a collection.. a collection when iterating through the collection using a foreach loop For instance List String names .... for String name names.. Do something while names.remove name java loops iterator foreach share improve this question To safely remove from a collection..
Is there a WebSocket client implemented for .NET? extraHeaders new StringBuilder if mHeaders null foreach KeyValuePair string string header in mHeaders extraHeaders.Append..
What is the point of the class Option[T]? without using get Here are some alternatives getPerson2 foreach _.display for person getPerson2 person.display getPerson2 match..
Which is more efficient, a for-each loop, or an iterator? be posting my answer to this question. java collections foreach share improve this question If you are just wandering over..
Regex to replace all \n in a String, but no those inside [code] [/code] tag Something like this bad pseudocode stack elementStack foreach char in string if string from char code elementStack.push code..
Collision Detection between two images in Java as well. In your game loop do something like this C# foreach Enemy e in EnemyCollection Rectangle r new Rectangle e.X e.Y..
What are the differences between “generic” types in C++ and Java?
How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex? with a simple test harness function testAll r tests foreach tests as test isMatch preg_match r test groups groupsJoined..
Iterator for array to a list to get the iterator java arrays iterator foreach share improve this question If you want an Iterator over..
C# vs Java Enum (for those new to C#) 123 double mass earthWeight pEarth.SurfaceGravity foreach Planet p in Planet.Values Console.WriteLine Your weight on..
Is there a way to access an iteration-counter in Java's for-each loop? counter available in a for each loop java loops for loop foreach share improve this question Yes you'll have to provide your..
Java Regex Helper bag matches the color of my shirt string pattern colou r foreach Match match in Regex.Matches source pattern Console.WriteLine..
How to optimize for-comprehensions and loops in Scala? at the enclosing method. The optimizer can eliminate the foreach but cannot yet eliminate the throw catch. And throw catch is..
Cartesian product of arbitrary sets in Java number of sets might vary so I cannot do this in nested foreach loop. Under some conditions my application needs to make a product..
List of useful environment settings in Java compatible with Java 1.4 hence many requirements like no foreach no generics no StringBuilder.. . @author Andrew Thompson @version..
How does the Java for each loop work? for loop look like without using the for each syntax java foreach syntactic sugar share improve this question for Iterator..