

java Programming Glossary: fopen

Upload and POST file to PHP page


abc.xyz fileData file_get_contents 'php input' fhandle fopen filename 'wb' fwrite fhandle fileData fclose fhandle echo Done..

What is microbenchmarking?


NULL time start GetTime for int i 0 i 1000000000 i file fopen testfile.dat fclose file time elapsed GetTime start time elapsedPerIteration..

Convert .c to .java


s to s. n infilename outfilename Open both files fin fopen infilename rb if fin perror infilename return 1 fout fopen outfilename.. fopen infilename rb if fin perror infilename return 1 fout fopen outfilename wb if fout perror outfilename fclose fin return..

Non-Blocking File IO in Java


to neep writing to the named pipe. Something like a fopen fPath O_NONBLOCK in Java. So that when the reader comes up it.. your data from your writer to the reader. Something like a fopen fPath O_NONBLOCK in Java You don't need non blocking IO on the..

The case against checked exceptions


deal with it. In C the idiom goes something like if f fopen goodluckfindingthisfile ... else file not found ... where fopen.. goodluckfindingthisfile ... else file not found ... where fopen indicates failure by returning 0 and C foolishly lets you treat.. learn the idiom. Then of course you start out with f fopen goodluckfindingthisfile f.read BANG and learn the hard way...

Really force file sync/flush in Java


level APIs open write close doesn't change much FILE fp fopen filename w while xyz fwrite buffer 1 BLOCK_SIZE fp fflush fp..