java Programming Glossary: forbids
Are Thread.stop and friends ever safe in Java? thread cannot leave some other thread waiting. But it also forbids use of any synchronization mechanism other that simple object..
Why does Java prohibit static fields in inner classes? or static inner class but what I want to know is why java forbids static fields methods inside inner classes or ordinary inner..
How to add response headers based on Content-type; getting Content-type before the response is committed .. the Content type is set but so is content length which forbids adding new headers at least in Tomcat implementation I can use..
In Eclipse, how to have launch configurations relative to the project? has exactly the same name of the exported one. This forbids me to have two versions of the same project. It looks like the..
How to get parametrized Class instance literals. The Java Language Specification specifically forbids this syntax when the type is parametrized which is why List..
Java JSON serialization - best practice need to create its elements but it's impossible since java forbids me to write T newItem new T newItem.load obj How should I modify..
Java API for Google Maps (or similar) because I discovered section 10.8 in the TOS explicitly forbids accessing static maps from outside a browser. But then I discovered..