java Programming Glossary: foo
Setting multiple jars in java classpath extension .jar or .JAR . For example the class path entry foo specifies all JAR files in the directory named foo. A classpath.. entry foo specifies all JAR files in the directory named foo. A classpath entry consisting simply of expands to a list of.. To match both classes and JAR files in a single directory foo use either foo foo or foo foo . The order chosen determines..
How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading thisIsThreadSafe thisIsNOTThreadSafe request.getParameter foo BAD Shared among all requests thisIsThreadSafe request.getParameter.. among all requests thisIsThreadSafe request.getParameter foo OK this is thread safe. See also Servlets and Multithreading..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? redisplaying submitted input values input type text name foo value The displays the outcome of request.getParameter.. input values input type text name foo value The displays the outcome of request.getParameter foo.. values input type text name foo value The displays the outcome of request.getParameter foo . If you want..
Evaluating a math expression given in string form ScriptEngine engine mgr.getEngineByName JavaScript String foo 40 2 System.out.println engine.eval foo share improve this..
Is Java “pass-by-reference”? are passed by value. It goes like this public void foo Dog d d.getName .equals Max true d new Dog Fifi d.getName .equals.. Dog Fifi d.getName .equals Fifi true Dog aDog new Dog Max foo aDog aDog.getName .equals Max true In this example aDog.getName.. object reference is passed by value. Likewise public void foo Dog d d.getName .equals Max true d.setName Fifi Dog aDog new..
What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it? when a serialVersionUID is missing. The serializable class Foo does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type..
How to: generic array creation of the type parameter public class GenSet E extends Foo E has an upper bound of Foo private Foo a E erases to Foo so.. public class GenSet E extends Foo E has an upper bound of Foo private Foo a E erases to Foo so use Foo public GenSet int s.. GenSet E extends Foo E has an upper bound of Foo private Foo a E erases to Foo so use Foo public GenSet int s a new Foo s..
What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java? share improve this question Use an enum public enum Foo INSTANCE Joshua Bloch explained this approach in his Effective..
How to best position Swing GUIs GUIs by doing something like this JFrame frame new JFrame Foo frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.getContentPane..
Java pass by reference What is the difference between this 2 code Code A Foo myFoo myFoo createfoo where public Foo createFoo Foo foo new.. What is the difference between this 2 code Code A Foo myFoo myFoo createfoo where public Foo createFoo Foo foo new Foo return.. is the difference between this 2 code Code A Foo myFoo myFoo createfoo where public Foo createFoo Foo foo new Foo return..
How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code? So instead of something like String query SELECT FOO BAR BAZ FROM ABC WHERE BAR 4 I have something like String query.. ABC WHERE BAR 4 I have something like String query SELECT FOO BAR BAZ FROM ABC WHERE BAR 4 This style makes the SQL much.. it as well STOP ECLIPSE FORMATTING String query SELECT FOO BAR BAZ FROM ABC WHERE BAR 4 START ECLIPSE FORMATTING Obviously..
how to disable dtd at runtime in java's xpath? A more complete example xml version 1.0 DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC FOO foo.dtd foo bar Value bar foo And xpath usage import
Java String.indexOf and empty Strings a note in the method's Javadocs... System.out.println FOO .indexOf outputs 0 wtf System.out.println FOO .indexOf bar outputs.. FOO .indexOf outputs 0 wtf System.out.println FOO .indexOf bar outputs 1 as expected System.out.println FOO .indexOf.. FOO .indexOf bar outputs 1 as expected System.out.println FOO .indexOf F outputs 0 as expected System.out.println .indexOf..
JSF initialize application-scope bean when context initialized ServletContextListener private static final String FOO foo public void contextInitialized ServletContextEvent event.. new MyObject event.getServletContext .setAttribute FOO myObject public void contextDestroyed ServletContextEvent event.. myObject MyObject event.getServletContext .getAttribute FOO try event.getServletContext .removeAttribute FOO finally myObject.dispose..
How to get the path of a running JAR file? which folder the running foo.jar is. So if foo.jar is in C FOO I want to get that path no matter what my current working directory..
Using Java to find substring of a bigger string using Regular Expression using Regular Expression If I have a string like this FOO BAR I need a generic way to get the BAR string out of the string.. square brackets it would be able to get the string. e.g. FOO DOG DOG FOO CAT CAT java regex string share improve this.. it would be able to get the string. e.g. FOO DOG DOG FOO CAT CAT java regex string share improve this question You..
Simplest method to Convert Json to Xml void main String args throws Exception JSON input name FOO bar id 42 String jsonInput name FOO bar id 42 ObjectMapper jsonMapper.. JSON input name FOO bar id 42 String jsonInput name FOO bar id 42 ObjectMapper jsonMapper new ObjectMapper Foo foo jsonMapper.readValue.. xmlMapper.writeValueAsString foo Foo xmlns name FOO name bar id 42 id bar Foo class Bar public int id This demo..
Hibernate and no PK are different than the variable names. @Entity @Table name FOO class Foo private String bar private String bat @Column name.. Split the Foo object into two thusly @Entity @Table name FOO class Foo @Id private FooKey id public void setId FooKey id..