

java Programming Glossary: footer

Append text for printing before and after a JTable


like once more to clarify that I don't need a header or footer only this text to appear in the top of the first and bottom..

JSP tricks to make templating easier?


able to have a base.jsp file containing the header and the footer so I can insert content later. Ben Lings seems to offer some.. UTF 8 @attribute name header fragment true @attribute name footer fragment true html body div id pageheader jsp invoke fragment.. fragment header div div id body jsp doBody div div id pagefooter jsp invoke fragment footer div body html To use this @page contentType..

Why would I use a templating engine? jsp include and jstl vs tiles, freemarker, velocity, sitemesh


from the article Including parts of pages like header and footer there isn't a difference between @ include file header.jsp and.. not overly complex and you put the common things in header footer there is nothing to worry about. Coupling between the common.. fragment move it to a page that doesn't include any header footer and include it wherever needed. Efficiency @ include file file.jsp..

MessageFormat header/footerFormat how to change Font for JTable printing


header footerFormat how to change Font for JTable printing in relation to.. JTable.PrintMode or I must paint g2.drawString my header footer and JTable#print separatelly java swing printing fonts jtable.. secrecy no way to subclass no way to configure the header footer printing. The only option to hook is to wrap the table's default..

Java httpPost into .asp form


BLogin name BLogin type submit value Log in div div class footer input type checkbox id chkSave name chkSave label for chkSave..

When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?


fragments into reuseable templates. E.g. header menu footer etc. An example can be found in my answer on this question How..

ListView random IndexOutOfBoundsException on Froyo


ended up throwing this exception as it tried to select a footer header out of bounds even when there is no footer view . The.. select a footer header out of bounds even when there is no footer view . The solution I used is not pretty but it will stop this..