java Programming Glossary: eventqueue.isdispatchthread
Do Robot methods need to be run on the event queue? snip private void checkNotDispatchThread if EventQueue.isDispatchThread throw new IllegalThreadStateException Cannot call method from..
How to set output stream to TextArea @Override public void appendText final String text if EventQueue.isDispatchThread output.append text output.setCaretPosition output.getText..
How to make line animation smoother? model.getAnimatables animatable.copy repaint if EventQueue.isDispatchThread else try EventQueue.invokeAndWait update catch..
How can I perfectly simulate KeyEvents? protected void dispatchKeyEventsViaEventQueue if EventQueue.isDispatchThread String text This is a key sequence dispatched via the event..
Keyboard input for a game in Java account public boolean dispatchKeyEvent KeyEvent e assert EventQueue.isDispatchThread int kc e.getKeyCode if e.getID KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED If repeat.. m null private synchronized void move Move move assert EventQueue.isDispatchThread context.notIdleSinceStart PlayfieldEvent pfe game.move move.. private synchronized void startRepeating Move move assert EventQueue.isDispatchThread if isRepeating move return long delay account.getInt KEY_REPEAT_DELAY..