java Programming Glossary: event.getservletcontext
Adding external resources (CSS/JavaScript/images etc) in JSP ServletContextEvent event ServletContext sc event.getServletContext sc.setAttribute ctx sc.getContextPath @Override public void..
How to loop through a HashMap in JSP? event Map String String countries MainUtils.getCountries event.getServletContext .setAttribute countries countries In both cases the countries..
JSF initialize application-scope bean when context initialized ServletContextEvent event MyObject myObject new MyObject event.getServletContext .setAttribute FOO myObject public void contextDestroyed ServletContextEvent.. ServletContextEvent event MyObject myObject MyObject event.getServletContext .getAttribute FOO try event.getServletContext .removeAttribute.. MyObject event.getServletContext .getAttribute FOO try event.getServletContext .removeAttribute FOO finally myObject.dispose You can address..
config files for a webapplication - load once and store where? e throw new SomeRuntimeException Loading config failed e event.getServletContext .setAttribute ATTRIBUTE_NAME this @Override public void contextDestroyed..
How to get and set a global object in Java servlet context event ArrayList list new ArrayList add to ServletContext event.getServletContext .setAttribute list list JobDataMap map new JobDataMap map.put..
How do I force an application-scoped bean to instantiate at application startup? public void contextInitialized ServletContextEvent event event.getServletContext .setAttribute bean new Bean where bean should be the same as..
Find number of active sessions created from a given client IP public void contextInitialized ServletContextEvent event event.getServletContext .setAttribute ATTRIBUTE_NAME this @Override public void requestInitialized..
How to reference constants in EL? JspFactory.getDefaultFactory .getJspApplicationContext event.getServletContext .addELContextListener new ELContextListener @Override public..
Get database connection from a Connection Pool ServletContextEvent event ServletContext servletContext event.getServletContext String databaseName servletContext.getInitParameter
Spring - Injecting a dependency into a ServletContextListener WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext event.getServletContext final Properties props Properties springContext.getBean myProps..