

java Programming Glossary: event.getsource

MouseEvents and Icon / ImageIcon


public void mouseClicked MouseEvent event Object source event.getSource if source instanceof Component Component component Component..

Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners


public void actionPerformed ActionEvent event Object obj event.getSource chooser new JFileChooser if chooser.showOpenDialog app JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION..

how can i unmarshall in jaxb and enjoy the schema validation without using an explicit schema file


JSF: Cannot catch ViewExpiredException


context ExceptionQueuedEventContext event.getSource Throwable t context.getException if t instanceof ViewExpiredException..

Reading file from serial port in Java


SerialPortEvent event SerialPort port SerialPort event.getSource switch event.getEventType case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE..

Implementing back/forward buttons in Swing


public void actionPerformed ActionEvent event if event.getSource back previous_display System.out.print You selected back .. System.out.print You selected back else if event.getSource forward forward_display System.out.print You selected forward..

give focus to a panel that is not a child of the focused Window?


AWTEvent event theQueue.getNextEvent Object src event.getSource if event instanceof ActiveEvent ActiveEvent event .dispatch..

Disable items in JList


ItemEvent event JCheckBox checkBox JCheckBox event.getSource int index 1 for int i 0 i ITEMS.length i if ITEMS i .equals..