java Programming Glossary: embedded
Long list of if statements in Java problem is that I'm writing some system libraries to run embedded devices. I have commands which can be sent to these devices..
How to set AUTO-SCROLLING of JTextArea in Java GUI? to set AUTO SCROLLING of JTextArea in Java GUI I have embedded a JTextArea on a JScrollPane and am using that JTextArea for..
How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code? written as Java strings please no OR M flamewars the embedded SQL is what it is not my decision . I've broken the SQL statements..
Calling clojure from java it can't find the Maven repository. The paths to both have embedded spaces on my system. I assume that is the problem. Any Java..
What is the main-stream Java alternative to ASP.NET / PHP Classic ASP would be JSP JavaServer Pages with scriptlets embedded raw Java code . Scriptlets are considered poor practice in Java..
Besides EAR and EJB, what do I get from a Java EE app server that I don't get in a servlet container like Tomcat? such as Glasfish Geronimo or JBoss. You can also run embedded j2ee container managed services with embedded Glasfish for example.. can also run embedded j2ee container managed services with embedded Glasfish for example right inside Tomcat. You may want an EJB.. need. Some of these EJB containers might just well use embedded Tomcat as their webserver so what gives Some managers just like..
Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java got fed up with not being able to read in strings with embedded escapes in them. I needed it for writing the test suite for..
Java Embedded Databases Comparison for managing my finances. I believe I need to use an embedded database but I have no experience regarding this issue. I tried..
Android Microsoft Office Library (.doc, .docx, .xls, .ppt, etc.) display are already hosted on the web we opted to use an embedded web view that opens the document using google docs viewer ...
Virtual Memory Usage from Java under Linux, too much memory used several other applications running in the system which is embedded. And the system does have a virtual memory limit. from comments..
Embedded java databases [closed] I would like to get opinions or suggestions regarding embedded databases in Java. In particular I was looking at H2 HSQLDB.. for your experiences using these tools. java database embedded database share improve this question I use Apache Derby.. question I use Apache Derby for pretty much all of my embedded database needs. You can also use Sun's Java DB that is based..
Howto embed Tomcat 6? in production and would like to evaluate running Tomcat in embedded mode. Is there a good tutorial or other resource besides what's.. contextName.startsWith path contextName Starts the embedded Tomcat server. @throws LifecycleException @throws MalformedURLException.. new Thread public void run stopContainer Stops the embedded Tomcat server. public void stopContainer try if container null..
difference about SAX and DOM navigate the tree to access the various data previously embedded in the various nodes in the XML. In general DOM is easier to..
Load Icon Image Exception of the project file java swing nullpointerexception awt embedded resource share improve this question First of all change..
Standard form authentification Java servlets now I have stumbled over How to Configure Security with Embedded Jetty and now I am thinking of that I can reuse already implemented..
Java Python Integration best way to integrate with it. I'm trying out JEPP Java Embedded Python has anyone used that before My other thought is to use..
Embedded HTTP server in Swing Java app HTTP server in Swing Java app I wish to embed a very light..
Jar Embedded Resources NullPointerException [closed] Embedded Resources NullPointerException closed I originally started..
Java Programming - Where should SQL statements be stored? [closed] to identify these options Hardcoded in business objects Embedded in SQLJ clauses Encapsulate in separate classes e.g. Data Access.. Harder to check the SQL code for syntax errors Embedded in SQLJ clauses Pros Better syntax checking Cons Ties too closely..
Embedded Prolog Interpreter/Compiler for Java Prolog Interpreter Compiler for Java I'm working on an application..
Which Maven GlassFish plugin to use? deployments from within the Maven build lifecycle . Maven Embedded GlassFish Plugin The second option would be to use the Maven.. Plugin The second option would be to use the Maven Embedded Glassfish Plugin . As stated by its name this plugin doesn't.. . See Testing with the GlassFish Maven plugin and JavaDB Embedded for an example. Maven Cargo Plugin The work initiated by Kohsuke..
JPA Multiple Embedded fields Multiple Embedded fields Is it possible for a JPA entity class to contain two.. possible for a JPA entity class to contain two embedded @Embedded fields An example would be @Entity public class Person @Embedded.. fields An example would be @Entity public class Person @Embedded public Address home @Embedded public Address work public class..
Hibernate: Where do insertable = false, updatable = false belong in composite primary key constellations involving foreign keys? @Table name Zips public class Zip implements Serializable @EmbeddedId private ZipId id @ManyToOne @JoinColumn name country_code.. your mapping In your Zip class you are referring to the Embedded id class ZipId that again contains the country code. As in the..
How to install jars in maven repository which is eclipse embedded? How to identify maven installation directory for Eclipse Embedded maven java java ee maven share improve this question From..
Java Embedded Databases Comparison Embedded Databases Comparison I intend to develop a small Java application..
Embedded java databases [closed] java databases closed I would like to get opinions or suggestions..
Howto embed Tomcat 6? RunWebApplicationTomcat private String path null private Embedded container null private Log logger LogFactory.getLog getClass.. this.port port create server container new Embedded container.setCatalinaHome catalinaHome container.setRealm new..
Embedded MongoDB when running integration tests MongoDB when running integration tests My question is a variation.. database share improve this question I have found Embedded MongoDB library which looks quite promising and does what you.. I have just tried and it works perfectly public class EmbeddedMongoTest private static final String DATABASE_NAME embedded..
Java: How do I use a PriorityQueue?