java Programming Glossary: createimage
Convert JPanel to image paint on the JPanel something like public BufferedImage createImage JPanel panel int w panel.getWidth int h panel.getHeight BufferedImage..
MouseEvents and Icon / ImageIcon new WeakHashMap public MouseAwareIcon super image createImage @Override public int getIconHeight return image.getHeight.. component new Point x y private BufferedImage createImage BufferedImage image1 new BufferedImage size size BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB..
Convert a JPanel to an image in a JScrollPane an image. I used the following method public BufferedImage createImage int w getWidth int h getHeight BufferedImage bi new BufferedImage..
java multiple graphics [closed] anArrayOfInt_.length if offscreenGraphics_ null image_ createImage getSize .width getSize .height offscreenGraphics_ image_.getGraphics..
Java Applet Game 2D Window Scrolling x y radius radius public void update Graphics g dbImage createImage this.getSize .width this.getSize .height dbg dbImage.getGraphics..
setOpaque() in java .getNorthPane .getHeight 4 ImageIcon newIcon new ImageIcon createImage JComponent container location setVisible true imageLabel.setIcon.. the image for the given region public static BufferedImage createImage JComponent component Rectangle region Make sure the component..
Rotate JLabel or ImageIcon on Java Swing getGraphics not valid for images created with createImage producer 2th edition... Now I'm working with this code. The..
Does adding a JLabel to a JPanel “hide” the JPanel? ImageIcon icon new ImageIcon ImageUtils2.createImage PIECE_WIDTH DARK_PIECE_COLOR JLabel chessPiece new JLabel icon.. chessPiece class ImageUtils2 public static BufferedImage createImage int size Color color BufferedImage img new BufferedImage size..
Creating custom JButton from images containing transparent pixels icon.getIconHeight BufferedImage tempImage BufferedImage createImage width height Graphics2D g tempImage.createGraphics icon.paintIcon..
Printing a large Swing component @Override public void run add new JLabel new ImageIcon createImage panel private BufferedImage createImage MyPanel panel Dimension.. new ImageIcon createImage panel private BufferedImage createImage MyPanel panel Dimension size panel.getPreferredSize BufferedImage..
Efficiently color cycling an image in Java new IndexColorModel 8 216 reds greens blues image createImage new MemoryImageSource 1000 1000 colorModel imageData 0 1000.. 0 imageData 0 1000 imageSource.setAnimated true image createImage imageSource new Timer 35 this .start The window size is 1000x1000.. imageData 0 1000 imageSource.setAnimated true image createImage imageSource new Timer 35 this .start The window size is 1000x1000..
Stretch a JLabel text image private LayoutTest String string super string image createImage super.getText @Override public void setText String text super.setText.. public void setText String text super.setText text image createImage super.getText repaint @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize.. image 0 0 getWidth getHeight null private BufferedImage createImage String label Font font new Font Font.SERIF Font.PLAIN SIZE FontRenderContext..