java Programming Glossary: crazy
JTable: sorting by Integer return String.class 4 or override RowSorter notice crazy code import import java.awt.BorderLayout..
Android SQLite and huge data sets you that reading 20 000 rows on a 3.5 LCD is bat guano crazy It looks like CursorWindow which is used somewhere under the..
When should one use final? classes. If you're using template method patterns like crazy and marking stuff final you're probably relying too much on..
What is a good 64bit hash function in Java for textual strings? different keys your certainly save regardless of whatever crazy scenario you need it for. Thinking of usecases for 128 bit keys..
Good XMPP Java Libraries for server side? [closed] flexability later. 2 I work for Terracotta so I have this crazy bent to cluster everything. As soon as I started thinking about..
Java Runtime Performance Vs Native C / C++ Code? gets JIT'ed As for performance what on Earth gives you the crazy idea that there is a baseline for overhead There isn't. There..
Use of class definitions inside a method in Java examples. Abstract classes inside a method sounds a bit crazy to me. But no interfaces allowed. Is there any reason behind..
Modern alternatives to Java [closed] to deactivate Paredit mode from the settings or you'll go crazy from not being able to backspace closing parens. So depending..
Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them? classpath without installing them Maven2 is driving me crazy during the experimentation quick and dirty mock up phase of..
Multiple Entity Manager issue in Spring when using more than one datasource packages According to my knowledge I am not doing anything crazy here but still it doesn't seem to be working. How is this problem..
java generics super keyword of Number. So String should work. I know this is crazy but isn't this the reason why they didn't allow S super T constructs..
Where I can find a detailed comparison of Java XML frameworks? standards are good but once in a while you encounter this crazy usecase where you have to support parsing of XML document that..
Why should casting be avoided? Ignoring the distinction is what leads to some of the crazy statements like the average American family has 1.8 children...
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? comma to dot point Ok so here it is. I have this little crazy method that converts BigDecimal values into nice and readable..
add values to enum Java 5 . C# seems more forgiving of people that want to do crazy things though so I thought it might be possible some way. Presumably..
Signal processing library in Java? use low level memory management tricks pointers crazy amounts of pointers large raw data arrays etc. Why to use Java..
What is the default scope of a method in Java? is the default scope of a method in Java It's a crazy question because it seems simple. I cannot find anywhere that..
Centering a JLabel on a JPanel true even if the JPanel was resized but if that's a crazy amount of coding than it is sufficient to just be centered when..
Can I have a JTabbedPane with a JMenuBar? some Borders for JMenuBar e.g. raised etchech line border crazy and dirty hack from code import java.awt.ComponentOrientation..