java Programming Glossary: created
Questions about Java's String pool If you use the new keyword a new String object will be created. Note that objects are always on the heap the string pool is..
Why JSF calls getters multiple times . The deferred expression is not immediately evaluated but created as a ValueExpression object and the getter method behind the..
What is a Null Pointer Exception? not creating the object num rather assuming that is was created before the doSomething method was called. Unfortunately it is..
What is the reason behind “non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context”? can't call something that doesn't exist. Since you haven't created an object the non static method doesn't exist yet. A static..
How to call SOAP web service in Android web services. The web service is just basically one created in NetBeans . I would like to have IDE support for generating..
How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading every Servlet Filter and Listener found in web.xml will be created once and kept in server's memory as well. When the servletcontainer.. objects and pass it through the methods of the already created Filter and Servlet instances whose url pattern matches the request..
What is the purpose of the expression “new String(…)” in Java? Java 7 String documentation in that it Initializes a newly created String object so that it represents the same sequence of characters.. of characters as the argument in other words the newly created string is a copy of the argument string. Unless an explicit..
Java Timer vs ExecutorService? number of threads. Furthermore you have full control over created threads if you want by providing ThreadFactory runtime exceptions..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] a few very nice open source native libraries have been created. These include ChartDroid AndroidPlot AChartEngine And a commercial..
How to: generic array creation so generic classes don't know what type argument they were created with at run time and therefore can not provide type safety unless..
Calling awt Frame methods from subclass then a complex hierarchy of windows panels are created. Like this javax.swing.JPanel javax.swing.JLayeredPane javax.swing.JRootPane..
Creating a custom button in Java with JButton would that is works with an ActionListener . I have created a class that extends AbstractButton but it doesn't seem to be..
Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords? question Strings are immutable. That means once you've created the string if another process can dump memory there's no way..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] with a database 8 answers I have already created an SQLite database. I want to use this database file with my.. assests copyDataBase Log.e TAG createDatabase database created catch IOException mIOException throw new Error ErrorCopyingDataBase..
Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? initialization block which means that a new class is created for each initialization all for the purpose of usually making.. String l new ArrayList String l.add Hello l.add World I created a simple program to write out a Java source file to perform..
How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable String COLUMN_NAMES List ID Expiration Date Status Date Created private static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT new SimpleDateFormat..
Why do I get java.lang.AbstractMethodError when trying to load a blob in the db? Oracle JDBC driver classes for use with JDK14 Sealed true Created By 1.4.2_14 Sun Microsystems Inc. Implementation Title ojdbc14.jar..
NetBeans 7.2 MinGW installing for OpenCV imgdisplay.cpp File imgdisplay.cpp Author Administrator Created on 14. September 2012 01 12 #include cstdlib #include opencv.. project File New Project Use settings as described below. Created Project Create a new target Click with the right mouse button..
Covert latitude/longitude point to a pixels (x,y) on mercator projection Atlas Map Projections Mercator Map projection EDIT Created a working example in PHP because I suck at Java https
How to create executable .jar file with netbeans Here is the output from build run and manifest compile Created dir home nick NetBeansProjects SemestralWork dist Building jar.. build Manifest Version 1.0 Ant Version Apache Ant 1.7.1 Created By 14.0 b08 Sun Microsystems Inc. Main Class semestralwork.Main..
Calling clojure from java Clojure jar there too. C projects com.domain.tiny lein jar Created C projects com.domain.tiny target com.domain.tiny 0.1.0 SNAPSHOT.jar..
How to handle calendar TimeZones using Java? gmtCal.add Calendar.MILLISECOND offsetFromUTC log.debug Created GMT cal with date gmtCal.getTime return gmtCal Here's the output.. Oct 23 12 09 05 EDT 2008 DEBUG offset is 14400000 DEBUG Created GMT cal with date Thu Oct 23 08 09 05 EDT 2008 12 09 05 GMT..
Lightweight Java Object cache API [closed] your requirements ever change. Here is an in memory cache. Created in code with no configuration files. CacheManager cacheManager..
Executable war file that starts jetty without maven like Manifest Version 1.0 Ant Version Apache Ant 1.7.1 Created By 1.5.0_18 b02 Sun Microsystems Inc. Main Class Start The contents..
NoClassDefFoundError while trying to run my jar with java.exe -jar…what's wrong? manifest Manifest Version 1.0 Ant Version Apache Ant 1.6.5 Created By 10.0 b23 Sun Microsystems Inc. Main Class com.harris.myapp.fomc.common.datagen.DataGenerationTest..
Java Finalize method call I need to find when finalized method called in the JVM. I Created a test Class which write into file when finalized method called..
Maven archetype for simple Servlet application dtd web app_2_3.dtd web app display name Archetype Created Web Application display name web app For a Servlet 2.5 web application.. javaee web app_2_5.xsd version 2.5 display name Archetype Created Web Application display name web app I don't know for NetBeans..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android new OutputStreamWriter socket.getOutputStream Log.d SSL Created the socket input and output do line input.readLine while..
Which @NotNull Java annotation should I use? I've found javax.validation.constraints.NotNull Created for runtime validation not static analysis. documentation edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull..
Android application Wi-Fi device - AP connectivity SUCCESSdddd statusView.append nAccess Point Created finish Intent searchSensorsIntent new Intent this SearchSensors.class..
Producing executable jar in NetBeans Manifest Version 1.0 Ant Version Apache Ant 1.7.1 Created By 10.0 b23 Sun Microsystems Inc. java netbeans jar executable..
How do I sign a Java applet for use in a browser? fine in the applet viewer. Made a .jar file out of it. Created a certificate by doing this keytool genkey keyalg rsa alias..