java Programming Glossary: columnname
jtable cellrenderer changes backgroundcolor of cells while running public class ColoringCells private static Object columnName Yes No private static Object data Y N N Y Y N public static.. run JFrame frame new JFrame JTable table new JTable data columnName table.getColumnModel .getColumn 0 .setCellRenderer new CustomRenderer..
Updating TableView row appearance TableColumn Friend Boolean makeBooleanColumn String columnName String propertyName int prefWidth TableColumn Friend Boolean.. TableColumn Friend Boolean column new TableColumn columnName column.setCellValueFactory new PropertyValueFactory Friend Boolean..
JPA (Hibernate) and custom table prefixes String tableName return JBPM5_ tableName public String columnName String columnName return columnName public String propertyToTableName.. return JBPM5_ tableName public String columnName String columnName return columnName public String propertyToTableName String className.. public String columnName String columnName return columnName public String propertyToTableName String className String propertyName.. Stream closed input new BufferedInputStream resultSet.getBinaryStream columnName DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE output new ByteArrayOutputStream byte buffer..
CellTable with custom Header containing SearchBox and Focus Problem @Template div style 0 div SafeHtml header String columnName @Template div style input type text value 0 div SafeHtml input.. getColumns .add new GridStringColumn MyPOJODataModel columnName dataStoreFieldName column tooltip description information about..
Create GWT CellTable Dynamically Class GRID List COLUMN columns Class COLUMN String columnName Now i need to get grid from database and loop the columns to..
List of useful environment settings in Java Image rootNode.add imageNode Object data int offset String columnNames data mergeArrays Reader ImageIO.getReaderFileSuffixes Writer.. Writer ImageIO.getWriterFileSuffixes columnNames new String Input Output Image File Suffixes MediaData md new.. Image File Suffixes MediaData md new MediaData Suffixes columnNames data imageNode.add new DefaultMutableTreeNode md data mergeArrays..
How to simulate a DB for testing (Java)? table1 MockTable table new MockTable tableName String columnName column1 ColumnType columnType ColumnType.NUMBER int columnSize.. int columnSize 50 MockColumn column new MockColumn columnName columnType columnSize table.addColumn column for int i 0 i 20..